Grades 8-12

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Graduates will design an effective 8-12 grade level lesson plan that incorporates technology.
  2. Graduates will evaluate relevant research and practices that support and promote effective classroom management in an 8-12 grade level classroom.
  3. Graduates will interpret ethical guidelines for EC-12 educators as described in the Code of Ethics and Standard Policies for Texas Educators.
  4. Graduates will analyze judicial and legislative actions, such as IDEA, that have established rights, opportunities and services for children with disabilities grade level classroom setting.
  5. Graduates will evaluate differentiated instruction based on the needs and characteristics of 8-12 grade level learners with special needs.
  6. Graduates will analyze the culture of schooling in 8-12 grade level classrooms from the perspectives of language, gender, socioeconomic, ethnic, and disability-based academic diversity and equity.

TSI Liable

Field of Study - 18 Credit Hours
EDUC 1301Introduction to the Teaching Profession3
EDUC 2301Introduction to Special Populations3
Select 4 electives from their intended content area teaching field/academic discipline12
STC Core Curriculum - 42 Credit Hours
Complete 42 credit hours of required Core Curriculum 1,242
Total Credit Hours60

In addition to the courses in the Field of Study, the student is required to take 42 credit hours from the STC Core Curriculum. These courses must not duplicate courses taken to fulfill field of study requirements.


Students who select a 3 credit hour Mathematics course must take 4 credit hours to complete the Component Area Option for the Core Curriculum.

TSI Liable

100% Online

Recommended Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
EDUC 1301 Introduction to the Teaching Profession 3
Component Area Option - Core Curriculum 1 3-4
Introduction to Computing
or Introduction to Speech Communication
HIST 1301 United States History I 3
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
 Credit Hours12-13
EDUC 2301 Introduction to Special Populations 3
HIST 1302 United States History II 3
ENGL 1302 Composition II - Rhetoric 3
Mathematics Elective - Core Curriculum 1 3-4
 Credit Hours13
Creative Arts Elective - Core Curriculum 1 3
Language, Philosophy & Culture Elective - Core Curriculum 1 3
Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers I
Content Area Elective - Field of Study 3
 Credit Hours9
Second Year
Life and Physical Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 1 4
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 1 3
General Psychology
or Introductory Sociology
Content Area Elective - Field of Study 3
 Credit Hours13
Life and Physical Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 1 4
GOVT 2306 Texas Government 3
Content Area Elective - Field of Study 3
Content Area Elective - Field of Study 3
Component Area Option - Core Curriculum (if required) 1
 Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours60-61

Students must meet with an Education advisor prior to registering for one of these courses.