Library Services

South Texas College Library Services is committed to providing a welcoming, learning-centered environment, rich in quality information resources and outstanding services to meet the research, instructional and learning needs of the South Texas College students, faculty, staff and community.

Locations & Services

South Texas College provides library services at all campus locations and via the library website (

Library services and resources include:

  • print and electronic books, magazines, journals, newspapers, streaming video and audio recordings
  • online Research Guides, Course Guides and library tutorials
  • computer labs and printing services
  • librarians and library staff who provide assistance in person, by email or phone
  • online reference chat service available 24x7x365
  • study rooms and group computer workstations

Collections & Databases

South Texas College libraries provide students, faculty and staff over 110,000 cataloged items, including print and electronic books. The library subscribes to over 62 print serial publications (newspapers, magazines and journals) and over 140 research databases. These databases provide electronic access to the contents of over 651,000 magazines, journals and newspapers, electronic books, streaming videos and other resources. In addition to library-owned resources, students and faculty have access to over 419,000 electronic books through consortium memberships. The library's print and electronic collection can be searched through Discovery Search, a single portal on the library website. The electronic databases are available on any computer on the College network, including all campus computer labs, faculty and staff computers, and can be accessed off-campus using a personal South Texas College network username and password.

Computer Labs & Printing Services

Computer access, same-day laptop checkouts, and printing is available at all library locations. Open Computer labs and Library computers are equipped to provide access to the Internet, to Microsoft Office software and to other specialized software packages. Wi-Fi access and wireless printing are also available at all campus libraries and Open Computer labs.

Technology Loans

 A selection of laptops, mobile hotspots, and calculators may be borrowed from the library by eligible students participating in designated programs.  These loans are renewable on a semester basis.    

Campus to Campus Loans

Students, faculty, and staff located on one campus may request items from any other campus library. The requested items will be delivered to the student's campus and usually arrive within two business days.

Interlibrary Loan and TexShare

South Texas College students, faculty and staff have access to the collections of several hundred academic and public libraries across the United States through interlibrary loan (ILL) agreements via Amigos Library Services, TexShare and OCLC. Materials may be borrowed directly from participating TexShare libraries with a current South Texas College ID card and a TexShare card. A TexShare card may be requested from any South Texas College campus library.

Library Events and Art Gallery

Library Services hosts speakers, art exhibits and other events at all STC library locations in an effort to support the curriculum and engage our community. Information about upcoming events can be found on the STC library website (