Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Strategic Planning

The Institutional Research, Effectiveness and Strategic Planning Team supports student success by broadly engaging all stakeholders in evidence-based decisions and continuous quality improvement. Institutional Research, Effectiveness and Strategic Planning serves as the hub for reliable and timely data and effectiveness/evaluation planning and support. These efforts are facilitated by two departments: Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (IEA), and Research and Analytical Services (RAS).

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (IEA) works to empower the college community to integrate effective planning and meaningful assessment into all institutional practices through collaborative inquiry, self-reflection and continuous improvement.

Research and Analytical Services (RAS) conducts educational research on topics of importance to the College by collecting and analyzing data from College stakeholders and other sources. RAS provides assistance to South Texas College faculty and staff with qualitative or quantitative research methods, study design, statistical analysis and survey instrument design and administration.

Data requests should be made through STC's Data Request Information Portal, which can be found at

Institutional Research, Effectiveness and Strategic Planning maintains the institutional Factbook that provides institutional data on the success of South Texas College towards Key Performance Indicators and Student Achievement Goals. This data is available at