Online Learning
South Texas College offers students flexible and convenient opportunities to complete their education anytime, anywhere.
South Texas College offers Online Associate Programs in the following fields:
- Accounting
- Anthropology
- Business Administration - Transfer Plan
- Communication Studies
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- Education - 4-8 Generalist
- Education - EC-6 Generalist
- Education - Grades 8-12
- English
- History
- Human Resources Specialist
- Interdisciplinary Studies (AA)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (AS)
- Language and Cultural Studies-Spanish Concentration
- Mathematics
- Paralegal
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Sociology
STC also offers Certificates in the following fields:
- Accounting Clerk
- Architectural and Engineering Design Technology
- Computer Applications Specialist
- Computer and Internet Specialist
- Human Resources Assistant
- Management
- Marketing
- Multimedia Specialist
- Payroll Assistant
- Recruiter Assistant
STC offers Bachelor of Applied Technology and Applied Science degrees in the following fields:
- Computer and Information Technologies
- Medical and Health Services Management
- Operations Management
- Organizational Leadership
STC also offers a Bachelor of Science degree in:
- Nursing
Courses are offered in a variety of formats: Online, Hybrid, and Web-Enhanced.
- Online coursework may be completed from any computer that has Internet access.
- Some instructors require students to take proctored exams. Check the course list for specific information.
- Hybrid classes divide class meeting-time between online and on-campus locations.
- Web-Enhanced courses meet on campus as regularly scheduled and have a web component that is either required or elective at the instructor’s discretion.
Information about Online Learning at South Texas College is available at: or email or by calling 956-872-2598.