Clinical Requirements of (Nursing and Allied) Health Programs

Before assignment to a clinical or cooperative study, the student must be compliant through an online tracking system, before the start of the Nursing & Allied Health Program of the following:

  • Proof of required immunizations:
    • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR): Proof of Immunizations - 2 doses or serology report proving immunity.
    • Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap): Proof of Immunization or “booster” dose administered within the last 10 years.
    • Hepatitis B Virus Vaccines: Proof of immunizations (complete series) - three or two dose vaccine series or serology report proving immunity.
    • Varicella (Chickenpox): Proof of immunizations - 2 doses or serology report proving immunity.
    • Meningitis (state requirement for students under the age of 22) - one dose within the last five years or two complete doses.
    • Current T.B. test with Negative (-) results (expires annually); if positive, chest X-ray required every 2 years.
    • Influenza (required from August-April).
    • Clinical site may require actual documentation of COVID-19 vaccination status or exemption (health or religious). 
  • Proof of Health/Medical Insurance or Student Accidental Insurance (available through STC).
  • Current CPR certification (Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers) from the American Heart Association.
  • Technical Performance Standards-signed statement of ability to perform technical standards for nursing or allied program of study.
  • Current Malpractice Insurance of at least $1 million available through STC (included with tuition).
  • Criminal background check clearance through approved agencies.
  • Drug and alcohol screening - 10-panel Drug & Alcohol (results must be negative). 
    • Preferred Method: Urinalysis is the standard and preferred method for drug and alcohol screening.
    • Alternative Methods: In cases where urinalysis is medically infeasible due to a documented medical condition (e.g., kidney disease), alternative testing methods such as hair or saliva analysis may be considered.
    • Medical Documentation Requirement: Students requesting an alternative testing method must provide documentation from a US licensed healthcare provider specifying the medical condition that prevents urinalysis.
    • Testing Integrity: All drug and alcohol screenings, regardless of method, must be conducted through an approved and certified laboratory.
  • Completion of Student Clinical/Practicum/Hospital Orientation (via school/college portal).
  • Valid I.D. (Current Texas Driver's License, Texas I.D., U.S. Passport with photo and signature).
  • Social Security Card (for verification purposes).
    • Social security card is required for the Patient Care Program and the Pharmacy Technology Program.
  • Students of the RN-BSN program are not required to have a COMPLIO account but must comply with the practicum site requirements.