Centers for Learning Excellence
The Centers for Learning Excellence (CLE) offer comprehensive academic learning support services at all STC campuses: Mid-Valley, Nursing and Allied Health, Pecan, Starr County, and Technology. Limited services are also available at the Regional Center for Public Safety Excellence. CLE services are free and available to all STC students, including Early College High School students and other students participating in dual credit or distance education courses. Comprehensive face-to-face services include academic coaching, appointment-based and drop-in tutoring, embedded tutoring, group tutoring and Supplemental Instruction. Online services include synchronous and asynchronous tutoring, 24/7 access to a suite of student success workshops and real-time learning support workshops.
Part-time and full-time staff members at the CLE support students as they develop the effective learning skills and mastery of course content required for college success. At the CLE, students receive high-quality tutoring and other academic support resources in a broad range of subject areas. The CLE's rigorous training program has earned the highest level of International Tutor Training Program Certification by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA), the gold standard for training in the academic support field. The CLE's online services are certified through the Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA) for meeting or exceeding rigorous professional standards for online tutoring methodology, technological innovation, and software and hardware matters.
The CLE spaces offer welcoming and comfortable environments where students may access computer lab support with a variety of specialized software programs, private study rooms for individual and group use with or without tutoring assistance, adaptive learning equipment, and a variety of reference materials and learning resources.
CLE Services
- Individual Tutoring (on-site) is available to students in the physical centers during scheduled hours by appointment. Walk-ins are accommodated if possible. CLE schedules for all centers are viewable online, and appointments may be made from the CLE website or with assistance over the phone.
- Online Tutoring is available with CLE tutors in most subject areas, and third-party contracted tutors amplify that range. Students can log in for tutoring from an off-campus location or use a computer in one CLE to work with a tutor stationed elsewhere. Appointments may be made through the CLE website or with assistance over the phone.
- Writing Center services are available both online and on-site. Students can work with a writing tutor in real-time to improve composition skills, prepare college admissions essays, create an effective resume, and more. Online services also include a submit-and-return option for paper review, which provides prompt assistance to students 24 hours a day/seven days a week.
- Academic Coaching is available to students during scheduled hours or by appointment. Coaches meet with students weekly or as needed for help with topics like effectively using a planner, developing a study plan, managing time more effectively, taking efficient notes, or communicating more effectively. Class presentations are also available upon request.
- Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a free, CLE-sponsored program in which a peer learning mentor, called an SI Leader, attends class and facilitates regular collaborative study sessions in order to maximize student success. SI Leaders are typically assigned to courses that are seen as academically challenging, and SI has been shown to increase student course completion rates and improve grades. Enrollment in SI classes (marked with "+SI Support" in STC online course schedules) is limited, so early registration is encouraged.
- Embedded Tutoring is an in-class service to support skills labs and courses with specialized equipment or applications. Supportive staff members assist students with practical application of concepts and skills taught by STC faculty.
- Group Tutoring provides an opportunity for students studying in groups of four or more to obtain up to one hour of tutoring assistance.
- Student Success Workshops are seminars provided virtually by CLE tutors and staff. The workshops are offered throughout the fall, spring, and summer semesters and cover a variety of subjects, including Texas State Initiative Assessment (TSI) preparation. Students can learn ways to maximize study time, organize notes, manage time effectively or master key academic concepts by participating in these sessions. Short videos on a variety of student success subjects are also available on demand 24 hours a day.
- Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSI) Prep is available both through real-time tutoring (in-person or online). The CLE has also developed a collection of self-paced review videos and other resources available on demand at the CLE website. Services are appropriate both for individuals preparing to take the TSI for the first time and for those seeking to improve their scores.
- Open Labs partners with CLE to support students at each STC campus with computer-based resources, specialized software and knowledgeable lab staff to assist with software and equipment-related needs. Frequently requested services include wireless set-up on personal devices and password support for scanners, JagPrint, and JagNet. Open Labs in the CLE support most programs needed by students for their classes and include specialized software titles such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Master Collection, Creative Cloud, SolidWorks, SketchUp, AutoDesk, MasterCam and many more.
Visit for up-to-date information on tutor schedules, hours of operation and complete descriptions of the academic support services.