Student Records

Change of Name

The name of a student used on academic records is based upon the initial Application for Admission completed and submitted by the student. Students may change their name on academic records by completing and submitting a Change of Information form, with supporting legal documentation, to the Enrollment Center. If a student submits a subsequent Application for Admission with a different name, the student must submit a Change of Information form, with supporting legal documentation, in order to change their name on academic records.

Change of Address

Students must provide the College with a correct, current permanent and mailing address on the Application for Admission. Students who change their address must notify the College of this change by using JagNet, or submit a completed Change of Information form to the Enrollment Center.

Change of Major

A major is a concentration of specialized coursework, which leads to a certificate or degree. Students may declare a major on the Application for Admission and may change their major at any time by completing and submitting a Change of Information form to the Enrollment Center. A list of Majors and Codes is included with both of the above-mentioned documents.

Confidentiality of Records

It is the policy of South Texas College (STC) to maintain the confidentiality of academic records and be in compliance with all federal and state laws governing the release of academic records.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Texas Open Records Act are federal and state laws, respectively, that provide for the review and disclosure of academic records. In accordance with these laws, STC will not permit access to or the release of personally identifiable information contained in academic records to any party without the written consent and photo identification of the student, except:

  • to appropriate STC officials, who require access to academic records in order to perform their legitimate duties, which means the information or records requested is relevant and necessary to accomplish a task or make a determination, and the task or determination is an employment-related responsibility of the inquirer or is a properly assigned duty for the inquirer.
  • to officials of other schools in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, upon request of these officials, and upon the condition that the student be notified and receive a copy of the record, if desired.
  • to federal, state or local officials or agencies authorized by law.
  • in connection with a student’s application for or receipt of financial aid.
  • to accrediting agencies or organizations conducting educational studies, provided that these entities do not release personally identifiable data.
  • to the parents of a dependent student, as defined in section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, provided a reasonable effort is made to notify the student in advance.

Notice: As permitted under section 99.31 (a)(ii)(2) of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended, and upon request of The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), STC will forward academic records for students who seek or intend to enroll at UTRGV.

Directory Information

STC may release information that includes:

  • Name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address
  • Date of birth and place of birth
  • Educational institution(s) attended
  • Dates of attendance and enrollment verification
  • Classification
  • Declared major
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Date of graduation
  • Participation in officially recognized sports and activities

Students may withhold information by completing and submitting a written request to withhold Directory Information to the Enrollment Center during the first 12 days of a fall or spring semester and the first four days of a summer session. STC will honor a request for nondisclosure for the current term only; therefore, a request must be submitted to the Enrollment Center each term that a student is enrolled.

Review of Records

Students who desire to review their records may do so upon request to the appropriate office.

Students who desire to challenge the accuracy and validity of their records should follow the procedure, as follows:

  • Students have the right to challenge the content of their academic records in order to ensure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy of the student. They have the right to correct or delete any inaccurate or inappropriate data contained therein. Students who wish to exercise this right should submit a written request in the Enrollment Center.
  • The Custodian of Records/Registrar may attempt to settle the dispute with the student through informal meetings and discussions held within a reasonable period of time after the request is submitted.
  • Formal hearing procedures may be necessary when the informal procedures are not satisfactory to the student or Custodian of Records/Registrar. If a formal hearing is required, the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, or a designee, shall conduct a formal hearing and render a decision within a reasonable period of time following the request. The student and Custodian of Records/Registrar have the opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issue(s). The appeal cannot go beyond the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.