Placement Testing

It is the intent of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board that Texas public institutions of higher education use the flexibility and responsibility granted under the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) rules to improve individualized programs to ensure the success of students in higher education. All public colleges and universities shall assess the academic skills of each entering undergraduate student prior to enrollment of the student. The Student Assessment Center administers the Texas Success Initiative 2.0 (TSIA2) Exam throughout the year. Effective January 11, 2021, TSI was replaced with the TSIA2. Information on scores, test dates, deadlines and other information can be found at

Call 1-800-742-7822 for information or contact the Student Assessment Center (Pecan 956-872-3484, Mid-Valley 956-447-6602, Starr County 956-488-6976.) Visit for details.

Who Must Take the TSIA2 Exam?

All students who plan to enroll at South Texas College and students in high school enrolling in a college-level course MUST take the TSIA2 before enrolling in any college-level credit coursework.

Who Does Not Have to Take the TSIA2 Exam?

  • A student who has previously attended any institution of higher education and has been deemed to meet readiness standards by both that institution and the receiving institution. This includes high school students who have earned college credit for a dual credit course offered under Texas Administrative Code rule 4.86 with a grade of "C" or better.
  • Students who have achieved a qualifying score on ACT, SAT, TAAS/TAKS, STAAR End of Course Exams (EOC), or an approved College Preparatory or College Bridge Course in Mathematics and English Language Arts. ACT, SAT, TAAS/TAKS, and STARR EOC scores may be no more than five (5) years from the date of testing. Completion of approved College Preparatory or College Bridge course must be within one (1) year of high school graduation. See Placement Scale.
  • Students who are enrolled in a Level-One certificate program of one year or less (42 or fewer semester credit hours or the equivalent).
  • Students who have graduated with an associate or baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education.
  • Transfer students from an accredited institution of higher education who have earned a “C” or better in a corresponding course in accordance with institutional guidelines.
  • A student who on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard or service member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.
  • A student who is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.
  • A student who successfully completes a college preparatory course under Texas Education Code §28.014 is exempt for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of high school graduation with respect to the content area of the course. The student must enroll in the student's first college-level course In the exempted content area in the first year of enrollment in an institution of higher education. This exemption applies only at the institution of higher education that partners with the school district in which the student is enrolled to provide the course. Additionally, an institution of higher education may enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with a partnering institution of higher education to accept the exemption for the college preparatory course.

When Must a Student Take the TSIA2 Exam?

All students enrolling in credit programs at STC must have scores from the TSIA2 Exam before registering for courses.

TSIA2 Pre-Assessment Activity Requirement

Texas Administrative Code Rule 4.55 Assessment and Placement, section (B), requires all institutions offering the TSIA2 assessment to provide students a pre-assessment activity(ies). South Texas College offers an online pre-assessment module that is available for students at After completing the online module, students can print their Pre-Assessment completion page to show proof of completing their Pre-Assessment Activity.

The Pre-Assessment Activity is required for all students testing for the very first time. Students who have previously tested for TSI are not required to redo the Pre-Assessment Activity but are highly encouraged to do so. Students who are testing for the very first time are required to submit proof of completion. Failure to do so may require the student to not be admitted or to reschedule until proof of completion.

Registration for the TSIA2 Exam

To register for the TSIA2 Assessment Exam, a student must fill out an Admissions form prior to the test administration. Once an Admissions form has been processed, the student may reserve a test date online through the STC Marketplace at and choose to test for the TSIA2 Exam. The TSIA2 Exam is offered by appointment only via the STC Marketplace.

Please contact the Student Assessment Centers (Pecan 956-872-3484, Mid-Valley 956-447-6602, Starr 956-488-6976) for more information.

Texas Success Initiative Test Content

TSIA2 Mathematics

The TSIA2 Mathematics Test is a multiple-choice assessment with four main categories. Scores range from 910 to 990. The TSIA2 Math test consists of 20 questions in the standard format or 30 questions in the accommodated format.

  • Elementary Algebra and Functions
  • Intermediate Algebra and Functions
  • Geometry and Measurement
  • Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability

TSIA2 Mathematics Diagnostic Test

The TSIA2 Diagnostic Test is used to identify specific academic strengths and weaknesses in mathematics. The TSIA2 Math Diagnostic Test consists of 48 questions on the standard format or 72 questions on the accommodated format. The test questions cover four content strands:

  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Algebraic Reasoning
  • Geometric and Spatial Reasoning
  • Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning

TSIA2 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR)

The TSIA2 ELAR Test is a multiple-choice assessment composed of Reading and Writing focused questions in conjunction with an Essay test. Scores range from 910 to 990 for the multiple-choice test. The score for the ELAR essay ranges from a 0 to an 8. The TSIA2 ELAR test consists of 30 questions on the standard format or 44 questions on the accommodated format. Shown below are brief descriptions of the Reading and Writing Focused test questions.

Reading Focused Test Questions

  • Literary Text Analysis
  • Informational Text Analysis

Writing-Focused Test Questions

  • Essay Revision and Editing
  • Sentence Revision, Editing, and Completion

TSIA2 ELAR Diagnostic Test

The TSIA2 ELAR Diagnostic Test is a test designed to identify student academic strengths and weaknesses in Reading and Writing. The TSIA2 ELAR Diagnostic test consists of 48 questions on the standard format or 72 questions on the accommodated format. The TSIA ELAR Diagnostic test parallels the TSIA2 ELAR test and covers the following categories:

  • Literary Text Analysis
  • Informational Text Analysis and Synthesis
  • Essay Revision and Editing
  • Sentence Revision, Editing, and Completion

TSIA2 ELAR Essay Test

In conjunction with the multiple-choice ELAR tests, the TSIA2 also offers an Essay test. Students that take the Essay test are presented with a prompt and asked to write an essay of 300 to 600 words. The TSIA2 Essay measures the student's ability to produce writing that emphasizes precise use of language, logical presentation of ideas, development of point of view, and clarity of expressions. Students testing for the TSI ELAR Essay test will be evaluated on six dimensions.

  • Purpose and Focus
  • Organization and Structure
  • Development and Support
  • Sentence Variety and Style
  • Mechanical Conventions

Payment for the TSIA2 Exam

The TSIA2 Exam fee is $29 for two sections or $15 for one section, plus a $25 Reservation Fee. Registration for this exam is done online through the STC Marketplace

Please contact the Student Assessment Center (Pecan 956-872-3484, Mid-Valley 956-447-6602, Starr 956-488-6976) for more information.

Developmental Education

Students not meeting the Placement Standards and not qualifying for an exemption are advised to enroll in developmental education and College Success courses. Students qualifying for the corequisite model are encouraged to enroll in the developmental and college-level courses at the same time. The developmental course serves as a co-requisite to the college-level course and is intended to assist students in acquiring the essential skills needed to succeed in college. Only grades of A, B, and C will result in the student being considered TSI complete.