
Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Graduates will: (1) Collect and analyze no less than three current events, and (2) identify and summarize Classical European and Early American Sociological theories, and apply these theories to current events.
  2. Graduates will identify and summarize the importance of research evidence in understanding the social world and how to use systematic and scientific inquiry to investigate direct research questions.
  3. Graduates will identify and summarize Sociological analytical tools to structure and organize assessments of social institutions, groups, and behaviors.
  4. Graduates will identify and summarize historical and contemporary sociological concepts used to analyze social inequality as pertains to: minority groups, gender, race, culture, poverty, and immigration.
  5. Graduates will identify and summarize the Macro and Micro levels of research used to critically deconstruct institutional, familial, cultural, and interactive practices in the United States.

Sociology Program Requirements

TSI Liable

Field of Study - 18 credit hours 118
General Sociology Track
Discipline Foundation Courses (9 SCH)
Social Problems
Marriage and the Family
Minority Studies
Directed Electives (9 SCH) 2
Elementary Statistical Methods
Social Psychology
Applied and Clinical Sociology Track - 18 credit hours 1
To earn an Associate's Degree in Sociology by following the Applied and Clinical Sociology Track, students would need to meet with departmental advisors to formalize their certificate of Applied Sociology with AACS during the beginning of the semester.
Social Problems
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Elementary Statistical Methods
Academic Cooperative
Select one of the following:
Social Psychology
Minority Studies
Marriage and the Family
Field of Study Elective (2 courses)
Students will complete 2 classes (or 6 credits) of coursework in a discipline of their choice; both classes must be chosen from the same field of study, must be from academic AA or AS program, and must include an introductory-level course. Students must consult with the program's advising team in order to declare an area of focus and have it noted in their Degree Works profile. A complete list of eligible course electives can be found in the Applied and Clinical Sociology degree plan.
STC Core Curriculum - 42 credit hours
Complete 42 credit hours of required Core Curriculum including the following: 342
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Introductory Sociology 4
Total Credit Hours60

Courses taken to fulfill field of study requirements must not duplicate courses taken to fulfill Core Curriculum Requirements.


The listed Directive Elective options are for students pursuing to transfer to The University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley. Students pursuing a different transfer institution should see an advisor for selection of Directed Electives


In addition to the courses in the Field of Study, the student is required to take 42 credit hours from the STC Core Curriculum


Designated core curriculum course in the Field of Study for the Texas Direct Transfer Degree. 

TSI Liable

100% Online

Texas Transfer Field of Study

Recommended Course Sequence - General Track

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
HIST 1301
United States History I
or Mexican-American History I
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
SOCI 1301 Introductory Sociology 3
Sociology Directed Elective - Field of Study 1 3
Social Psychology
or Criminology
 Credit Hours12
HIST 1302
United States History II
or Mexican-American History II
ENGL 1302 Composition II - Rhetoric 3
SOCI 2319 Minority Studies 3
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods 1 3
 Credit Hours12
Component Area Option - Core Curriculum 3
Select one of the following:
Learning Framework
Learning Framework
Introduction to Speech Communication
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communications
Business and Professional Communication
Discussion and Small Group Communication
Argumentation and Debate
Creative Arts Elective - Core Curriculum 3
Language, Philosophy & Culture Elective - Core Curriculum 3
 Credit Hours9
Second Year
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3
Mathematics Elective - Core Curriculum 3-4
College Algebra 2
SOCI 1306 Social Problems 3
Life and Physical Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 4
 Credit Hours14
GOVT 2306 Texas Government 3
SOCI 2301 Marriage and the Family 3
Sociology Directed Elective - Field of Study 1 3
or Social Psychology
Life and Physical Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 4
Component Area Option - Core Curriculum (if required) 1
 Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours60

The Directive Elective options are for students pursuing to transfer to The University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley. Students pursuing a different transfer institution should see an advisor for selection of Directed Electives.


Students following the General Sociology Track who select a 3 credit hour Mathematics course to fulfill the Mathematics component of the Core Curriculum must take 4 credit hours to complete the Component Area Option for the Core Curriculum.

TSI Liable

Recommended Course Sequence - Applied and Clinical Sociology Track ​ 

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
SOCI 1301 Introductory Sociology 3
HIST 1301
United States History I
or Mexican-American History I
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
MATH 1414 College Algebra 4
 Credit Hours13
SOCI 1306 Social Problems 3
HIST 1302
United States History II
or Mexican-American History II
ENGL 1302 Composition II - Rhetoric 3
Select one of the following Sociology Electives: 3
Marriage and the Family
or Minority Studies
or Social Psychology
or Criminology
 Credit Hours12
Life and Physical Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 4
Language, Philosophy & Culture Elective - Core Curriculum 3
World Literature
Mexican American Literature
Introduction to Mexican-American Studies
American Minority Studies
World Cultures
Introduction to World Religions
Component Area Option - Core Curriculum 3
Students should meet with department advisors to formally indicate their Field of Study in this semester.
 Credit Hours10
Second Year
Creative Arts Elective - Core Curriculum 3
PSYC 2317
Statistical Methods in Psychology
or Elementary Statistical Methods
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3
Field of Study Elective I 3-4
 Credit Hours12-13
GOVT 2306 Texas Government 3
Life and Physical Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 4
Field of Study Elective II 3-4
SOCI 2389 Academic Cooperative 3
 Credit Hours13-14
 Total Credit Hours60-62
Field of Study Elective I (3-4 Credits) (Intro. Level Course) Field of Study Elective II (3-4 Credits)
ANTH 2301 ANTH 2302, ANTH 2351
CRIJ 1301 CRIJ 1307, CRIJ 1310, CRIJ 1313, CRIJ 2313
EDUC 1301 EDUC 2301
GOVT 2304 GOVT 2311
KINE 1301 KINE 1304, KINE 1306, KINE 1346
PSYC 2301 PSYC 2308, PSYC 2315, PSYC 2319
SOCI 2301 SOCI 2319
SOCW 2361 SOCW 2362
TECA 1303 TECA 1311, TECA 1318, TECA 1354
COMM 1307 COMM 2311, COMM 2315, COMM 2339
DANC 2303 DANC 1301, DANC 1305
DRAM 1310 DRAM 1330, DRAM 1351, DRAM 2355
ENGL 2311, ENGL 2331 ENGL 2321, ENGL 2326, ENGL 2341, ENGL 2351
HIST 2301 HIST 2321, HIST 2322
HUMA 1301, HUMA 1305 HUMA 1311, HUMA 2319
MUSI 1303 MUSI 1306, MUSI 1307, MUSI 1310
PHIL 1301, PHIL 1304 PHIL 2303, PHIL 2306, PHIL 2316
AGRI 1329 AGRI 1407, AGRI 1415
BIOL 1322, BIOL 1406 BIOL 1406, BIOL 1407, BIOL 2401, BIOL 2406
CHEM 1405, CHEM 1411 CHEM 1407, CHEM 1409, CHEM 1412
COSC 1301 COSC 1315, COSC 1320, COSC 1436
ENGR 1201 ENGR 1304, ENGR 2301, ENGR 2302
GEOL 1403 GEOL 1404, GEOL 1445
ARCH 1311 ARCH 1301, ARCH 1303
ACCT 2301 ACCT 2302
BUSI 1301 BUSI 2301
ECON 2301 ECON 2302