
Program Learning Outcomes

Personal Trainer Certificate

  1. Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, psychology, pharmacology, and nutrition as it relates to the personal trainer fitness industry.
  2. Graduates will demonstrate the assessment of an individual’s fitness levels, readiness for exercise, and risk stratifications including special populations.
  3. Graduates will design and create customized individual exercise programs (Strength, power, hypertrophy, cardiovascular, plyometrics, flexibility, fat loss) to meet the goals of individuals including special populations.

Kinesiology Associate of Arts

  1. The graduate will define and discuss the 12 sub-disciplines of Kinesiology.
  2. The graduate will analyze personal beliefs and philosophies concerning their chosen profession.
  3. The graduate will prepare both an oral and written presentation explaining the components of fitness and the importance of exercise and nutrition as it relates to healthy lifestyles.
  4. The graduate will demonstrate proper First Aid skills and techniques designed to treat injuries.
  5. The graduate will demonstrate proper techniques to enhance fitness levels and practice proper techniques for specific activities/sports.

Advisory Committee Members

(For Workforce Program Only)

John Quezada, Committee Chair, Army Master Fitness Trainer
Humberto Cerda, Manager, Gold's Gym
Antonio Diaz, Manager/Personal Trainer, Gold's Gym
Jaime Cavazos, Cavazos Sports Institute
Louie Palacios, Owner, The Shack
Yvette Garcia, Trainer, The Shack
Mike Johnson, Owner, VPR Fitness
Joe Valtierra, Trainer, VPR Fitness
Dr. Belinda Jordan, Obesity Physician,
Joel Matos, Vice President, Freedom Fitness
Cristopher Garcia Sancho, Personal Trainer, Freedom Fitness
Leroy Moreno, Physician Assistant, Family First Medical Center
Joe Pitones, Owner, 9Round Fitness
Peggy Ramon Rosales, Registered Dietician, PR Nutrition Consulting
Dr. Robert Zuniga, Chiropractor

(For Academic Program Only)

TSI Liable

Field of Study - 18 credit hours
KINE 1125Swimming I1
KINE 1301Foundations of Kinesiology3
KINE 1306First Aid3
KINE 1338Concepts of Physical Fitness3
Area 1: Team Sports
Select three of the following:3
Basketball I
Flag Football I
Soccer I
Volleyball I
Softball I
Area 2: Individual Sports
Select two of the following:2
Weight Training and Conditioning I
Bowling I
Golf I
Karate I
Racquetball I
Tennis I
Area 3: Outdoor Education
KINE 1336Introduction to Recreation3
STC Core Curriculum - 42 credit hours
Complete 42 credit hours of required Core Curriculum including the following: 1,242
Life and Physical Sciences
Anatomy and Physiology I
Anatomy and Physiology II
Total Credit Hours60

In addition to the courses in the Field of Study, the student is required to take 42 credit hours from the STC Core Curriculum.


Students who select a 3 credit hour Mathematics course to fulfill the Mathematics component of the Core Curriculum must take 4 credit hours to complete the Component Area Option for the Core Curriculum.


Associate Degree 

Personal Trainer Certificate

TSI Exempt

Plan of Study Grid
FallCredit Hours
FITT 1401 Fitness and Exercise Testing 4
FITT 1237 Personal Training 2
KINE 1306 First Aid 3
FITT 2309 Theory of Exercising Program Design and Instruction 3
 Credit Hours12
FITT 2305 Sports Facility Management 3
FITT 2313 Exercise Science 3
FITT 1164 Practicum-Health and Physical Education 1
 Credit Hours7
 Total Credit Hours19

Kinesiology Associate of Arts

TSI Liable

Recommended Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
COSC 1301 Introduction to Computing (OR SPCH Elective-Component Area Option-Core Curriculum) 3
HIST 1301
United States History I
or Mexican-American History I
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
KINE 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology 3
Kinesiology Elective Area 1 - Field of Study 1 1
Basketball I
Flag Football I
Soccer I
Volleyball I
Softball I
 Credit Hours13
KINE 1306 First Aid 3
HIST 1302
United States History II
or Mexican-American History II
ENGL 1302 Composition II - Rhetoric 3
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3
Kinesiology Elective Area 2 - Field of Study 1 1
Weight Training and Conditioning I
Bowling I
Golf I
Karate I
Racquetball I
Tennis I
 Credit Hours13
Creative Arts Elective - Core Curriculum 3
Language, Philosophy & Culture Elective - Core Curriculum 3
 Credit Hours6
Second Year
Mathematics Elective - Core Curriculum 3-4
BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I 4
KINE 1338 Concepts of Physical Fitness 3
KINE 1125 Swimming I 1
Kinesiology Elective Area 3 - Field of Study 1 3
Introduction to Recreation
Kinesiology Elective Area 2 - Field of Study 1 1
Weight Training and Conditioning I
Bowling I
Golf I
Karate I
Racquetball I
Tennis I
Kinesiology Elective Area 1 - Field of Study 1 1
Basketball I
Flag Football I
Soccer I
Volleyball I
Softball I
 Credit Hours17
GOVT 2306 Texas Government 3
BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II 4
Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 3
Kinesiology Elective Area 1 - Field of Study 1 1
Basketball I
Flag Football I
Soccer I
Volleyball I
Softball I
Component Area Option - Core Curriculum (if required) 1
 Credit Hours11
 Total Credit Hours60

Courses to be chosen for Field of Study