Occupational Therapy Assistant

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Graduates will be able to describe the various roles of occupational therapy as it relates to clients, families, and service providers.
  2. Graduates will be able to explain and differentiate the distinct roles and responsibilities of the occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant in the supervisory process.
  3. Graduates will be able to effectively apply occupational therapy principles and intervention strategies in a clinical setting.
  4. Graduates will be able to formulate an effective Professional Development Plan to facilitate ongoing learning.
  5. Graduates will successfully pass the program Exit Exam by the end of the semester.
  6. Graduates will be able to articulate the particular occupational therapy frame of reference and/or model of practice employed at their assigned fieldwork location.

Advisory Committee Members

Rosie Vallejo, OTR, McAllen
Adina Santillan, COTA, San Juan
Iris Dovalina, COTA, Mission
Luis Martinez, OTR, Palmhurst
Amanda Delgado, COTA McAllen
Jenny Adame, COTA Rio Grande City
Jesse Rodriguez, OTR McAllen

Occupational Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science

Students interested in this program must complete the pre-requisite courses prior to applying for admission. Any of the other general education courses may also be taken before applying for admission into the program. Grades made in these courses will be computed using a “point system” for the student selection process.

TSI Liable

Plan of Study Grid
Pre-requisitesCredit Hours
Humanities Elective 1 3
Select one of the following:
Introduction to Humanities I
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Formal Logic
Introduction to Ethics
PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth and Development 1 3
BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I 1 4
SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communications 1 3
ENGL 1301 Composition I 1 3
OTHA 1305 Principles of Occupational Therapy 3
 Credit Hours19
First Year
OTHA 1409 Human Structure and Function in Occupational Therapy 4
OTHA 1415 Therapeutic Use of Occupations or Activities I 4
OTHA 1341 Occupational Performance from Birth to Adolescence 3
 Credit Hours11
OTHA 1349 Occupational Performance of Adulthood 3
OTHA 1419 Therapeutic Interventions I 4
OTHA 2335 Health Care Management in Occupational Therapy 3
 Credit Hours10
OTHA 2201 Pathophysiology in Occupational Therapy 2
 Credit Hours2
Second Year
OTHA 1253 Occupational Performance for Elders 2
OTHA 2405 Therapeutic Interventions II 4
OTHA 2160 Clinical -Occupational Therapy Assistant 1
OTHA 2209 Mental Health In Occupational Therapy 2
 Credit Hours9
OTHA 2366 CAPSTONE: Practicum-OTA (A) 3
OTHA 2367 CAPSTONE: Practicum-OTA (B) 3
OTHA 2330 Workplace Skills for the OTA 3
 Credit Hours9
 Total Credit Hours60

Identifies courses to fulfill minimum 15 credit hour General Education requirement

 Students must complete all CAPSTONE coursework with a passing grade to be eligible for graduation from the OTA program.