Public Administration

Program Learning Outcomes

Public Services Assistant Certificate

  1. Graduates will identify and describe the structure and objectives of various governmental agencies.
  2. Graduates will identify and apply general provisions of ethical guidelines for accountability in the public sector.
  3. Graduates will demonstrate the application of organizational theory as it relates to public management decision-making.
Public Administration Associate of Applied Science
  1. Graduates will identify and describe the structure and objectives of various governmental agencies.
  2. Graduates will analyze best practices in local service delivery systems.
  3. Graduates will analyze the structure and goals of governmental agencies and non-profit organizations.
  4. Graduates will identify and apply general provisions of ethical guidelines for accountability in the public sector.
  5. Graduates will demonstrate application of organizational theory as it relates to public management decision-making.

Advisory Committee Members

Roy Rodriguez, City Manager, McAllen, TX
Randy Perez, City Manager, Mission, TX
Edward M. Wylie, City Manager, Pharr, TX 
Diana Almaguer, BCSF, Regional Director 
Nadia Ochoa, Executive Director, Palmer Drug Abuse Program
Dr. Cecilio Ortiz-Garcia, Department of Public Affairs & Security Studies-College of Liberal Arts


Associate Degree

Public Services Assistant Certificate

TSI Exempt

Plan of Study Grid
FallCredit Hours
PBAD 1321 Public Administration 3
PBAD 1341 Governmental Agencies 3
PBAD 2305 Public Sector Management 3
PBAD 2301 Public Relations for the Public Sector 3
 Credit Hours12
PBAD 2335 Ethics in the Public Sector 3
PBAD 2339 Human Resource Management in the Public Sector 3
PBAD 2331 Budgeting in the Public Sector 3
PBAD 1381 Capstone: Co-op in Public Administration 3
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours24

Public Administration Associate of Applied Science

TSI Liable

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
ENGL 1301 Composition I 1 3
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3
Mathematics Elective 1 3-4
Elementary Statistical Methods
Speech Elective 1 3
Introduction to Speech Communication
PBAD 1321 Public Administration 3
 Credit Hours15-16
GOVT 2306 Texas Government 1 3
COSC 1301 Introduction to Computing 3
PHIL 2306 Introduction to Ethics 1 3
ENGL 2311 Technical and Business Writing 3
PBAD 1311 Municipal Management 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Year
PBAD 1341 Governmental Agencies 3
PBAD 2335 Ethics in the Public Sector 3
PBAD 2331 Budgeting in the Public Sector 3
PBAD 2305 Public Sector Management 3
PBAD 2301 Public Relations for the Public Sector 3
 Credit Hours15
PBAD 2311 Public Sector Supervision 3
PBAD 2347 Urban Planning 3
PBAD 2339 Human Resource Management in the Public Sector 3
PBAD 2341 Legal Aspects of Public Management 3
PBAD 2380 Capstone: Co-op in Public Administration 3
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours60-61

Identifies courses to fulfill minimum 15 credit hour General Education requirement