
Program Learning Outcomes

  1. The graduate will solve problems utilizing chemical concepts (stoichiometry, colligative properties, acid/base).
  2. The graduate will describe the structure, bonding, and reactivity of chemical compounds (acid/base, redox).
  3. The graduate will describe reaction mechanisms and synthesis of organic compounds.
  4. The graduate will safely perform laboratory experiments involving a variety of chemical techniques and will communicate analysis of results in writing.
  5. The graduate will describe microbial mechanisms of pathogenicity.
  6. The graduate will describe the anatomy of physiology of tissues, organs, and organ systems.
  7. The graduate will describe the fundamental principles of maintaining homeostasis in organisms.

TSI Liable

Field of Study - 18 credit hours
CHEM 1411General Chemistry I4
CHEM 1412General Chemistry II4
CHEM 2423Organic Chemistry I4
CHEM 2425Organic Chemistry II4
BIOL 2421Microbiology for Science Majors 14
STC Core Curriculum - 42 credit hours
Complete 42 credit hours of required Core Curriculum including the following: 242
Component Area Option
Microbiology for Science Majors 1
Calculus I 3
Life and Physical Sciences
Biology for Science Majors I
Biology for Science Majors II
Language, Philosophy & Culture Elective
Select one of the following:
British Literature
American Literature
World Literature
Total Credit Hours60

For BIOL 2421 Microbiology for Science Majors, 2 credit hours are scheduled for field of study and 2 credit hours are scheduled to meet the general core education requirements (Component Area Option). 


In addition to the courses in the Field of Study, the student is required to take 42 credit hours from the STC Core Curriculum. These courses must not duplicate courses taken to fulfill field of study requirements.


For students to directly enroll in MATH 2413 Calculus I, they must earn 375+ on the TSI and successfully complete and exam administered by the MATH department or earn a 100 on the college-level Mathematics ACCUPLACER.

TSI Liable

Recommended Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
Creative Arts Elective - Core Curriculum 3
CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I 4
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
MATH 2413 Calculus I 4
 Credit Hours14
BIOL 1406 Biology for Science Majors I 4
CHEM 1412 General Chemistry II 4
HIST 1301
United States History I
or Mexican-American History I
ENGL 1302 Composition II - Rhetoric 3
 Credit Hours14
HIST 1302
United States History II
or Mexican-American History II
 Credit Hours3
Second Year
CHEM 2423 Organic Chemistry I 4
BIOL 1407 Biology for Science Majors II 4
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 3
General Psychology
 Credit Hours14
CHEM 2425 Organic Chemistry II 4
BIOL 2421 Microbiology for Science Majors 4
GOVT 2306 Texas Government 3
Component Area Option - Core Curriculum 1-3
 Credit Hours12-14
Select one of the following: 3
British Literature
American Literature
World Literature
 Credit Hours3
 Total Credit Hours60-62

For BIOL 2421 Microbiology for Science Majors 2 credit hours are scheduled for field of study and 2 credit hours are scheduled to meet the general core education requirements (Component Area Option). 

Additional Courses Recommended to Satisfy Pharmacy School Prerequisites

Recommended by end of Fall Semester Second Year:

Non-Curriculum Courses
MATH 1342Elementary Statistical Methods3
BIOL 2416Genetics4
PHYS 1401College Physics I4
or PHYS 2425 University Physics I
SPCH 1315Public Speaking3
Total Credit Hours14