
Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Graduates will be able to articulate main ideas in a given text.
  2. Graduates will be able to explain rhetorical and/or literary devices within a given text.
  3. Graduates will be able to apply standard English stylistic conventions in writing.
  4. Graduates will be able to integrate source material into focused academic arguments.
  5. Graduates will attribute source material in accordance with designated documentation style.
  6. Graduates will be able to identify indicators of cultural or historical movements of a designated literary period in a particular literary work.

TSI Liable

Field of Study - 18 Credit Hours
Select a minimum of five of the following:15
Creative Writing I
Technical and Business Writing
British Literature
American Literature
World Literature
Forms of Literature
Mexican American Literature
Academic Cooperative
Learning Framework
Foreign Language
The student is required to take 1 course of any foreign language course3
STC Core Curriculum - 42 Credit Hours
Complete 42 credit hours of required Core Curriculum including the following: 1,242
Component Area Option
Introduction to Speech Communication
Total Credit Hours60

In addition to the courses in the Field of Study, the student is required to take 42 credit hours from the STC Core Curriculum. These courses must not duplicate courses taken to fulfill the field of study requirements.


Students who select a 3 credit hour Mathematics course to fulfill the Mathematics component of the Core Curriculum must take an additional 1 credit hour to complete the Component Area Option for the Core Curriculum.

TSI Liable

100% Online

Recommended Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
Language, Philosophy & Culture Elective - Core Curriculum 3
HIST 1301
United States History I
or Mexican-American History I
Mathematics Elective - Core Curriculum 3-4
 Credit Hours13
ENGL 1302 Composition II - Rhetoric 3
HIST 1302
United States History II
or Mexican-American History II
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3
Life and Physical Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 4
 Credit Hours13
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication 3
GOVT 2306 Texas Government 3
English Elective - Field of Study 1 3
 Credit Hours9
Second Year
English Elective - Field of Study 1 3
English Elective - Field of Study 1 3
Foreign Language Elective - Field of Study 1 3
Creative Arts Elective - Core Curriculum 3
Theater Appreciation
Art Appreciation
Music Appreciation
Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 3
 Credit Hours15
English Elective - Field of Study 1 3
English Elective - Field of Study 1 3
Life and Physical Sciences Elective - Core Curriculum 4
Component Area Option - Core Curriculum (if required) 1
 Credit Hours10
 Total Credit Hours60

Courses to be chosen from Field of Study