Law Enforcement

Program Learning Outcomes

Basic Peace Officer Certificate

  1. Graduates will demonstrate effective written communication skills that includes conducting interviews and writing police reports.
  2. Graduates will identify traffic laws related to the safe operation of vehicles on highways.
  3. Graduates will identify procedures related to crime scene investigations.
Law Enforcement Associate of Applied Science
  1. Graduates will demonstrate effective written communication skills that includes conducting interviews and writing police reports.
  2. Graduates will identify traffic laws related to the safe operation of vehicles on highways.
  3. Graduates will identify procedures related to crime scene investigations.
  4. Graduates will interpret legal procedures related to arrest, search, and seizure.
  5. Graduates will identify various narcotics and other dangerous drugs.

Advisory Committee Members

Juan Gonzalez, Chief of Police, Pharr Police Department
J.E. "Eddie" Guerra, Sheriff, Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office
Dr. Joel Rivera, Director, Hidalgo County Urban County Program
Mark Perez, Chief of Police, Alton Police Department
Dr. David Friedlein, Captain - Reserve Deputy, Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office
Dr. Jonathon Flores, City Manager, City of Pharr
Jaime Ayala, Chief of Police, Edinburg Police Department
Jose Solis, Interim Chief of Police, Rio Grande City Police Department

Occupational Skills Award


Associate Degree

County Corrections Specialist Occupational Skills Award

TSI Exempt

Plan of Study Grid
FallCredit Hours
CJCR 1300 Basic Jail Course 3
CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice 3
CJLE 1327 Interviewing and Report Writing for CJ Professions 3
 Credit Hours9
 Total Credit Hours9

Basic Peace Officer Certificate* - Spring Admission

TSI Exempt

Plan of Study Grid
SpringCredit Hours
CJLE 1506 Basic Peace Officer I 5
CJLE 1512 Basic Peace Officer II 5
CJLE 1518 Basic Peace Officer III 5
CJLE 1524 Basic Peace Officer IV 5
CJLE 1135 Police Academy Fitness I 1
 Credit Hours21
CJLE 1429 Basic Peace Officer V 4
CJLE 1136 Police Academy Fitness II 1
 Credit Hours5
 Total Credit Hours26

*Capstone: Successful completion of comprehensive exam.

Basic Peace Officer Certificate* - Summer Admission

TSI Exempt

Plan of Study Grid
SummerCredit Hours
CJLE 1506 Basic Peace Officer I 5
 Credit Hours5
CJLE 1512 Basic Peace Officer II 5
CJLE 1518 Basic Peace Officer III 5
CJLE 1524 Basic Peace Officer IV 5
CJLE 1429 Basic Peace Officer V 4
CJLE 1135 Police Academy Fitness I 1
CJLE 1136 Police Academy Fitness II 1
 Credit Hours21
 Total Credit Hours26

*Capstone: Successful completion of comprehensive exam.

Law Enforcement Associate of Applied Science

TSI Liable

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
ENGL 1301 Composition I 1 3
CJSA 1322
Introduction to Criminal Justice
or Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJSA 1313
Court Systems and Practices
or Court Systems and Practices
CJSA 1325 Criminology 3
CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice 3
CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure 2
 Credit Hours17
Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective 1 3
General Psychology
CJSA 1327
Fundamentals of Criminal Law
or Fundamentals of Criminal Law
CJSA 1359
Police System and Practices (or HMSY 1342)
or Police Systems and Practices
CJSA 1351 Use of Force 3
CJLE 1327 Interviewing and Report Writing for CJ Professions 3
CJLE 1333
Traffic Law and Investigations (or HMSY 1371)
or Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement
 Credit Hours18
Second Year
Math Elective 1 3
CJSA 1312 Crime in America 3
CJLE 1259 Intermediate Spanish for Law Enforcement 2
CJLE 1174 Current Events in Law Enforcement 1
CJLE 1345 Intermediate Crime Scene Investigation 3
 Credit Hours12
Speech Elective 1 3
Humanities Elective 1 3
Law Enforcement Elective 3
Select One:
Criminal Justice Survey
Introduction to Homeland Security
Stress Management for Law Enforcement Officers
Basic Telecommunication Certification
Basic Jail Course
CJLE 2345 Vice and Narcotics Investigation 3
CJLE 2168 Practicum 1
 Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours60

Identifies courses to fulfill minimum 15 credit hour General Education requirement

Basic Peace Officer - Escrowed Credit

Escrowed Credit:  Upon successful completion of CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice and CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure, students who have successfully completed the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers and Education 618 hour Basic Peace Officer certification will be awarded 23 credits for the following courses:

CJSA 1313Court Systems and Practices3
CJSA 1322Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJSA 1327Fundamentals of Criminal Law3
CJSA 1359Police System and Practices3
CJLE 1327Interviewing and Report Writing for CJ Professions3
CJLE 1333Traffic Law and Investigations3
CJSA 1312Crime in America3
CJLE 1259Intermediate Spanish for Law Enforcement2
Total Credit Hours23

U.S. Border Patrol - Escrowed Credit

Upon successful completion of CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice and CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure, students who have successfully completed the U.S. Border Patrol Integrated Basic Training Academy will be awarded 17 hours credit for the following courses:

CJSA 1313Court Systems and Practices3
CJSA 1322Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJSA 1327Fundamentals of Criminal Law3
CJSA 2300Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement3
HMSY 1337Introduction to Homeland Security3
CJLE 1259Intermediate Spanish for Law Enforcement2
Total Credit Hours17

U.S. CBP Field Operations Academy - Escrowed Credit

Upon the successful completion of CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice and CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure, students who have successfully completed the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Field Operations Academy will be awarded 12 hours credit for the following courses:

CJSA 1327Fundamentals of Criminal Law3
HMSY 1342Understanding and Combating Terrorism3
HMSY 1337Introduction to Homeland Security3
HMSY 1371Homeland Security Laws3
Total Credit Hours12

U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement Academy - Escrowed Credit

Upon the successful completion of CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice and CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure, students who have successfully completed the U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement Academy (MLEA) will be awarded 15 hours credit for the following courses: 

CJLE 2345Vice and Narcotics Investigation3
CJSA 1322Introduction to Criminal Justice3
HMSY 1337Introduction to Homeland Security3
HMSY 1342Understanding and Combating Terrorism3
HMSY 1371Homeland Security Laws3
Total Credit Hours15

Basic County Corrections - Escrowed Credit

Upon the successful completion of CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice and CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure, students who have successfully completed the Basic County Corrections Course will be awarded 3 hours credit for the following course: 

CJCR 1300Basic Jail Course3
Total Credit Hours3

Basic Telecommunicator Licensing - Escrowed Credit

Upon the successful completion of CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice and CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure, students who have successfully completed the Basic Telecommunicator Licensing Course or Basic Telecommunication Certification Course will be awarded 3 hours credit for the following course: 

CJLE 1303Basic Telecommunication Certification3
Total Credit Hours3

Criminal Investigator Training Program - Escrowed Credit

Upon the successful completion of CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice and CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure, students who have successfully completed the FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program will be awarded 6 hours credit for the following courses: 

CJSA 1313Court Systems and Practices3
CJSA 1359Police System and Practices3
Total Credit Hours6

Land Management Training Program - Escrowed Credit

Upon the successful completion of CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice and CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure, students who have successfully completed the FLETC Land Management Training Program will be awarded 9 hours credit for the following courses: 

CJSA 1322Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJSA 1327Fundamentals of Criminal Law3
CJSA 1359Police System and Practices3
Total Credit Hours9

Uniform Police Training Program - Escrowed Credit

Upon the successful completion of CJSA 1348 Ethics in Criminal Justice and CJLE 1249 Intermediate Arrest, Search and Seizure, students who have successfully completed the FLETC Uniform Police Training Program will be awarded 6 hours credit for the following courses: 

CJSA 1322Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJSA 1359Police System and Practices3
Total Credit Hours6