Automotive Technology

Program Learning Outcomes

Automotive Technology Certificate

  1. Graduates will be able to apply electrical principles and interpret wiring schematics and symbols.
  2. Graduates will be able to identify ignition systems, components, and their configurations.
  3. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair antilock brake systems.
  4. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair automatic transmissions and transaxles.
Automotive Technology Associate of Applied Science
  1. Graduates will be able to apply electrical principles and interpret wiring schematics and symbols.
  2. Graduates will be able to identify ignition systems, components, and their configurations.
  3. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair vehicle air condition system by performing an HVAC Performance Test.
  4. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair vehicles with the proper use of a digital multimeter.
  5. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair automatic transmissions and transaxles.
Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Certificate
  1. Graduates will be able to apply electrical principles and interpret wiring schematics and symbols.
  2. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair vehicle air condition system by performing an HVAC Performance Test.
  3. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair antilock brake systems.
Specialization:  GM-ASEP (Automotive Service Educational Program), Associate of Applied Science
  1. Graduates will be able to apply electrical principles and interpret wiring schematics and symbols.
  2. Graduates will be able to identify ignition systems, components, and their configurations.
  3. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair vehicles with the proper use of a digital multimeter.
  4. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair automatic transmissions and transaxles.
  5. Graduates will be able to diagnose and repair vehicle air condition system by performing an HVAC Performance Test.

Advisory Committee Members

Automotive Technology

Bill Seawell, Automotive Sales, PSI
Chet Hatzold, Service Specialist, Hunter Equipment
Eduardo De Leon, Salesman, O'Reilly Auto Parts
Sergio Trevino, Territory Sales Manager., O'Reilly Auto Parts
Joe Gonzalez, Salesman, Burton Companies
Scott Vaughan, Owner, Burton Companies

GM-ASEP Technology

Adalberto Barron, Auto Technician, Bert Ogden
Bill Seawell, Automotive Sales Rep., PSI.
Chris Hatzold, Service Manager, Bert Ogden
Rose Crookston, General Motors
Joko Winarto, Service and Parts Rep., GM
Lupe Salazar, Service Manager, Clark Chevrolet

Occupational Skills Award


Associate Degrees

Automotive Brake Systems Occupational Skills Award

TSI Exempt

Plan of Study Grid
FallCredit Hours
AUMT 1201 Introduction and Theory of Automotive Technology 2
AUMT 1407 Automotive Electrical Systems 4
AUMT 1410 Automotive Brake Systems 4
AUMT 1266 Practicum I 2
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours12

Suspension & Steering Occupational Skills Award

TSI Exempt

Plan of Study Grid
FallCredit Hours
AUMT 1201 Introduction and Theory of Automotive Technology 2
AUMT 1407 Automotive Electrical Systems 4
AUMT 1416 Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems 4
AUMT 1266 Practicum I 2
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours12

Automotive Technology Certificate

Plan of Study Grid
FallCredit Hours
AUMT 1201 Introduction and Theory of Automotive Technology 2
AUMT 1407 Automotive Electrical Systems 4
AUMT 1410 Automotive Brake Systems 4
AUMT 1416 Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems 4
 Credit Hours14
AUMT 1419 Automotive Engine Repair 4
AUMT 2417 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis I 4
AUMT 2425 Automatic Transmission and Transaxle 4
 Credit Hours12
AUMT 2313 Automotive Drive Train and Axles 3
AUMT 1345 Automotive Climate Control Systems 3
AUMT 2434 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis II 4
AUMT 1265 Practicum I 2
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours38

Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Certificate

Plan of Study Grid
FallCredit Hours
AUMT 1345 Automotive Climate Control Systems 3
AUMT 1410 Automotive Brake Systems 4
AUMT 1416 Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems 4
AUMT 1407 Automotive Electrical Systems 4
AUMT 1264 Practicum I 2
 Credit Hours17
 Total Credit Hours17

Automotive Technology Associate of Applied Science

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
AUMT 1201 Introduction and Theory of Automotive Technology 2
AUMT 1407 Automotive Electrical Systems 4
AUMT 1410 Automotive Brake Systems 4
AUMT 1416 Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems 4
 Credit Hours14
AUMT 1419 Automotive Engine Repair 4
AUMT 2417 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis I 4
AUMT 2425 Automatic Transmission and Transaxle 4
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication 1 3
 Credit Hours15
ENGL 1301 Composition I 1 3
Humanities Elective 1 3
 Credit Hours6
Second Year
AUMT 2313 Automotive Drive Train and Axles 3
AUMT 1345 Automotive Climate Control Systems 3
AUMT 2434 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis II 4
PSYC 2301 General Psychology 1 3
 Credit Hours13
CSIR 1355 Industry Certifications 3
AUMT 2421 Automotive Electrical Diagnosis and Repair 4
Math and Natural Sciences Elective 1 3
AUMT 2264 Practicum I 2
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours60

Identifies courses to fulfill minimum 15 credit hour General Education requirement

Automotive Technology

Specialization: GM-ASEP (Automotive Service Educational Program) Associate of Applied Science 

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
AUMT 1407 Automotive Electrical Systems 4
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication 1 3
AUMT 1419 Automotive Engine Repair 4
AUMT 1266 Practicum I 2
 Credit Hours13
AUMT 2421 Automotive Electrical Diagnosis and Repair 4
AUMT 2417 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis I 4
PSYC 2301 General Psychology 1 3
AUMT 1267 Practicum II 2
 Credit Hours13
AUMT 1316 Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems-GM-ASEP 3
AUMT 1345 Automotive Climate Control Systems 3
Humanities Elective 1 3
 Credit Hours9
Second Year
AUMT 2313 Automotive Drive Train and Axles 3
ENGL 1301 Composition I 1 3
AUMT 1410 Automotive Brake Systems 4
AUMT 2266 Practicum III-GM ASEP 2
 Credit Hours12
Math and Natural Sciences Elective 1 3
AUMT 2434 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis II 4
AUMT 2425 Automatic Transmission and Transaxle 4
AUMT 2267 CAPSTONE: Practicum IV- GM ASEP 2
 Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours60

Identifies courses to fulfill minimum 15 credit hour General Education requirement