Catalog Contents
- Welcome to South Texas College
- A Message from the President
- Academic Calendar
- Administrators and Faculty
- Affiliations
- Baccalaureate Degrees
- Board of Trustees
- Campuses and Centers
- Certificate and Associate Degrees
- Division of Business, Public Safety, and Technology
- Advanced Manufacturing Technology
- Architectural and Engineering Design Technology
- Architecture
- Automotive Technology
- Business Administration
- Construction Supervision
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Diesel Technology
- Electrician Technology
- Fire Science
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology
- Human Resources
- Law Enforcement
- Office Administration
- Paralegal
- Surveying and Geospatial Technology
- Welding
- Division of Liberal Arts
- Division of Business, Public Safety, and Technology
- Division of Math, Science, IT and Bachelor Programs
- Division of Nursing and Allied Health
- Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting (ACNT)
- Admin Assist/Gen Off (POFT)
- Agriculture (AGRI)
- American Sign Language (SGNL)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Applied Mathematics (TECM)
- Applied Music (MUAP)
- Architectural Technology (ARCE)
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Art (ARTS)
- ASL/Interpreting Studies (SLNG)
- Automotive Mech/Tech (AUMT)
- Baker/Pastry Chef (PSTR)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Busi Sys Networking/Tel (ITNW)
- Business (BUSI)
- Business Admin Mangt (BMGT)
- Business Marketing (MRKG)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Child Care & Dev (CDEC)
- Child Care & Devlpmt (TECA)
- Coll. Success-Hlth Care (CSFH)
- Comm System Install (CSIR)
- Commercial Art (ARTC)
- Commercial Photography (PHTC)
- Communication (COMM)
- Comp & Info Science (ITSC)
- Computer & Info. Tech. (CITP)
- Computer Engr Tech (CETT)
- Computer Maint Tech (CPMT)
- Computer Prog (ITSE)
- Computer Science (BCIS)
- Computer Science (COSC)
- Construction/Bldg Tech (CNBT)
- Correction/Correctional Admin (CJCR)
- Cosmetology (CSME)
- Criminal Justice (CRIJ)
- Culinary Arts/Chef Train (CHEF)
- Dance (DANC)
- Data Processing Tech (ITSW)
- Diagnostic Med. Sono. (DMSO)
- Diesel Eng Mech/Repair (DEMR)
- Drafting (DFTG)
- Drama (DRAM)
- Economics (ECON)
- Educ/Instruc Media Tech (IMED)
- Education (EDUC)
- Electrician (ELPT)
- Electrician Wind Energy (WIND)
- Electrocardiograph Tech (ECRD)
- Electromechanical Tech (ELMT)
- Emergency Medical Tech (EMSP)
- Engineering (ENGR)
- English (ENGL)
- English As Second Lang (ESOL)
- Environmental Science (ENVR)
- Fire Protection (FIRT)
- Fire Science/Firefight (FIRS)
- Fitness (FITT)
- French (FREN)
- General Business (BUSG)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geology (GEOL)
- Government (GOVT)
- Health Info. Tech. (HITT)
- Health Professions (HPRS)
- Heating Air Cond Tech (HART)
- History (HIST)
- Homeland Security (HMSY)
- Hospitality Admin Mang (HAMG)
- Human Resources Mang (HRPO)
- Humanities (HUMA)
- Information Processing (POFI)
- Information Security (ITSY)
- Integrated Read./Writ. (INRW)
- Interior Design (INDS)
- International Business (IBUS)
- Kinesiology (KINE)
- Law Enforcement (CJLE)
- Law Enforcement (CJSA)
- Legal Admin Asst (POFL)
- Legal Assisting (LGLA)
- Manufacturing AI (MAAI)
- Manufacturing Tech (MCHN)
- Math Supplemental Lab (MATL)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Medical Admin Assist (POFM)
- Medical Assistant (MDCA)
- Medical/Health Serv. Mg (MHSM)
- Music (MUSI)
- Music Ensemble (MUEN)
- Networking/Telecomm (ITCC)
- Non Course Based Math (NCBM)
- Non Course Based Reading (NCBR)
- Non Course Based Writing (NCBW)
- Nurse Assistant / Aide (NUPC)
- Nursing (RNSG)
- Nursing Assistant (NURA)
- Occupational Thrpy Asst (OTHA)
- Operations Management (OPMG)
- Org. Leadership (ORGL)
- Pharmacy Technician (PHRA)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Phlebotomy (PLAB)
- Physical Therapist Asst (PTHA)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Administration (PBAD)
- Radiologic Technology (RADR)
- Respiratory Therapy (RSPT)
- Restaurant Operations (RSTO)
- RN to BSN (NURS)
- Robotics Technology (RBTC)
- Social Work (SOCW)
- Sociology (SOCI)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Speech (SPCH)
- Surveying (SRVY)
- Vocational Nursing (VNSG)
- Welding (WLDG)
- Alumni Association
- Bacterial Meningitis
- Campus Security
- Campus Tours
- Centers for Learning Excellence
- Clery Act Statistics
- Clinical Requirements of (Nursing and Allied) Health Programs
- Continuing Education and Workforce Development
- Dual Credit Enrollment Services
- Enrollment Centers
- Financial Aid
- Health Services
- Immunization Requirements
- Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Strategic Planning
- Library Services
- Official Statement Relating to Students with Contagious Diseases
- Online Learning
- Student ID Cards
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- The Office of Student Affairs
- The Office of Student Reengagement
- Traffic and Parking Rules and Regulations
- Voluntary Student Accident Insurance