Administrators and Faculty

Executive Officers

Ricardo J. Solis

B.B.A., Trinity University
M.B.A., Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Ph.D. Ed., The University of Texas at Austin

Maria G. Del Paz
Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services

B.B.A., Texas A&I University
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
C.P.A., State of Texas 

Matthew S. Hebbard
Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

B.S., Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
B.A., Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary

Anahid Petrosian
Vice President and Provost for Academic Affairs

B.B.A., University of Texas at Austin
B.B.A., University of Texas at Austin
M.P.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., Northcentral University

Jesus H. Campos 
Interim Vice President for Information Services, Planning, Performance, and Strategic Initiatives

B.A., University of Notre Dame 
M.L.I.S., University of Texas-Austin 
J.D., Harvard Law School 
Ed.D., Lamar University

Rodney Rodriguez
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Economic Development

B.A., Texas A&M International University
M.A., Texas A&M International University
Ph.D., Our Lady of the Lake University

Administrative Staff

Khalil M. Abdullah
Chief Internal Auditor

B.B.A., University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley
M.ACC. University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley

Marittza M. Adame
Director- Students Accounts and Bursar

B.B.A., University of Texas Pan American

Juancarlos Aguirre
Special Assistant to the Ex Director of Sponsored Initiatives

B.S., Texas A&I University
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Lisa A. Aleman
Director-Dual Credit Programs Relations and Engagement

B.A., University of Texas at Austin

Maria Alonso
Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities

A.A., South Texas College
B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., Capella University

Lazaro Barroso
Director of College Connections and Admissions for Traditional Students

B.B.A., University of North Texas
M.B.A., Colorado Technical University
Ed.D., Lamar University

Cynthia A. Blanco
Dean of Enrollment Systems and Registrar

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Katarina M. Bugariu
Director-Fiscal Services

B.S., University of North Carolina-Wilmington
M.S., University of North Carolina-Wilmington

Jesus H. Campos
Dean of Library and Learning Support Services

B.A., University of Notre Dame
M.L.I.S., University of Texas-Austin
J.D., Harvard Law School
Ed.D., Lamar University

Alejandra Cantu
Director of Dual Credit Scheduling and Enrollment Services

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., Western Governors University

Leonardo A. Castaneda
Director of Academies and Career Technical Pathways

A.A., South Texas College
B.S., University of Texas - Pan American

Christina Cavazos
Director of Curriculum, Planning and Compliance

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Serkan B. Celtek
Director of Research and Analytical Services

M.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Fernando Chapa
Dean of Institutional Research, Effectiveness and Strategic Planning

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D. Walden University

Alicia Correa
Director of Human Resources for Benefits and Compensation

B.B.A., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Roberto Cuellar
Director of Facility Planning and Construction

B.E.D., Texas A&M University-College Station

Ana R. Davila
Director of Digital Learning

B.S.C.S., The University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., The University of Texas-Pan American

Kelli A. Davis
Director of Transfer and Educational Advancement Center

B.S., Elmira College
M.S., Texas Tech University
Ph.D., Capella University

Bradley W. Davis
Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Assessment and Accreditation

B.A., Davidson College
J.D., University of Miami

Antonio De La Cruz, III
Associate Dean for Dual Credit Programs

B.B.A., University of Texas Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas Pan American

Luis E. De La Garza
Director- Facility Maintenance Services

B.F.A., Texas State University
M.M., National American University

Ricardo De La Garza
Executive Director- Facilities Planning and Construction

B.Envd., Texas A&M University

Olivia D. De La Rosa
Dean- Continuing Education and Workforce Development

B.S., Texas A&M University-College Station
M.B.A., Tarleton State University

Rebecca M. De Leon
Associate Vice President of Dual Credit Programs and School District Partnerships

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
Ed.D., Lamar University

Venisa Earhart
Board Relations Administrator

A.A., South Texas College
B.A., The University of Texas of the Permian Basin

Andrew Fish
Academic Initiatives Officer

B.A., University of Texas Pan American
M.S., Western Governors University.

Joel Flores
Assistant Dir of Educational Tech

A.A., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College

Jessica A. Galloso
Associate Dean- Teaching and Learning Center

B.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Juan M. Galvan
Director of Student Financial Services

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., Liberty University

Nancy H. Garcia
Director of Comprehensive Advisement and Mentoring Services

B.S.W., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
Ed.D., Lamar University

Leonel Garcia
Director-Center for Advances Training and Apprenticeships

B.A.S., South Texas College
B.B.A., University of Texas Pan American

Olivia Gomez
Director- External Affairs

B.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.P.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Jose Luis Gonzalez
Chief Information Security Officer

A.S., South Texas College
B.B.A., University of Texas Pan American

Aaron Guajardo
Director of Dual Credit Academic Pathways

A.A., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College
M.B.A., Louisiana State University at Shreveport.

Frank J. Gutierrez
Director - Business Process and Accountability

B.H.A., Texas State University
M.S., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Pablo Hernandez, Jr.
Dean of Student Affairs

B.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Elizabeth S. Hollenbeck
Associate Dean Library Services

B.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth University
M.L.S., Texas Woman's University

Yolonda E. Jaramillo
Director of Learning Outcomes

M.A., Adams State University

Deyadira A. Leal
Director of Purchasing

B.A., University of Texas Pan American

Michelle M. Limon
Director of Student Records

B.B.A., Texas A&M University

Myriam M. Lopez
Associate Vice President Finance and Management

A.A., South Texas College
A.S., South Texas College
B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Lynda Lopez
Executive Director Public Relations and Marketing

B.A., Texas State University

Guadalupe A. Lozano
Director of Testing Services

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Carlos L. Margo
Dean - Center for Advanced Training and Apprenticeships

B.A., Texas A&M University
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ed.D., Texas Tech University

Yolanda T. Martinez
Director of Educational Technologies

B.B.A., Texas A&M University
M.B.A., University of Phoenix;

Daniela Masten
Director of Continuing Education and Workforce Development

B.B.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Otoniel Matamoros, Jr.
Dean- Enrollment Services

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.P.A., University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley

George E. McCaleb
Executive Director of Facilities Operations and Maintenance

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Adam McGrath
Director of Creative Arts

A.A., Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Brett J. Millan
Associate Vice President of Academic Success and Advancement

A.A., South Texas College
B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A, Louisiana State University at Shreveport
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A.I.S., University of Texas-Pan American
Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Daniel Montez
Campus Administrator of Mid Valley Campus

B.B.A., University of Texas at Austin
M.B.A., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Arturo Montiel
Campus Administrator of Starr County Campus

A.A.S., Del Mar College
B.S., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
M.S., Oklahoma State University
Ed.D. Oklahoma State University

Frank A. Morris
Director- Video Production and Content Strategy

B.F.A., Sanford-Brown College

Jaime O. Navarro
Employee Relations Officer

B.A., Baylor University
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American, Certificate, University of Texas-Pan American

Todd Nelson
Contracts and Regulatory Resources Officer- Title IX & 504 Coordinator

B.S., Arizona State University
M.B.A., Arizona State University
J.D., University of Colorado at Boulder

Elibariki V. Nguma
Director of Student Activities and Wellness

A.A., Hudson Valley Community College
B.A., State University of New York-Binghamton
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Claudia E. Olivares
Director- Human Resources-Employee Relations and Title IX

B.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.H.R.M., Colorado State University-Global Campus
M.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Santa E. Pena
Director of Counseling and Student Accessibility Services

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
LPC-State of Texas

Melissa M. Pena
Director-Valley Promise

B.I., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.E. The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Shannon M. Perales
Starfish Administrator

B.S., Colorado Technical University
M.B.A., Colorado Technical University;

Monica M. Perez
Academic Operations Officer

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.B.A., University of Texas Pan American
M.B.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Gardenia G. Perez
Chief of Staff

B.G.S.,The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.B.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Luisa Ramirez
Director of Student Re-Engagement

B.A., University of Texas San Antonio
M.Ed., University of Texas San Antonio

Carla M. Rodriguez
Executive Director - Sponsored Initiatives

M.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
B.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Luisa Rodriguez Lopez
Director of Global Affairs and Economic Development

A.A., South Texas College
A.A., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.B.A., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Artemio E. Romero Jr.
Administrative Officer- Finance and Administrative Services

M.B.A., Texas A&M International University
B.B.A., Texas A&M International University

Rachel A. Sale
Dean of Digital Learning

B.M.E., Lincoln University
M.S., Capella University
M.A., University of Redlands
Ph.D., Capella University

Celinda E. Salinas
Director of Career and Employer Services

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Jose L. Salinas
Financial Information Systems Officer

A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College

Luis A. Silva
Director of Custodial Support Services

B.S.M.E., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Arturo Solano
Director of Learning Commons and Open Labs

B.A.T., University of Texas Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas at Brownsville

Stefan Stoyanof
Human Resources Information Systems Officer

B.S., Purdue University

Ruben Suarez
Chief of Police

B.B.A., University of Texas Pan American

Zachary Suarez
Executive Director of Human Resources and Talent Development

D.P.A., West Chester University of Pennsylvania
M.P.A., University of Texas Pan American
B.B.A., University of Texas Pan American

Samantha Uriegas
Director of Project Alignment

M.B.A., The University of Texas Pan American
B.B.A., The University of Texas Pan American

Jayson T. Valerio
Regional Healthcare Liaison

B.S., University of the Assumption-Philippines
M.S., Angeles University Foundation-Philippines
D.N.P., American Sentinel University

Roberto Vela
SITE Administrator for Regional Center for Public Safety Excellence

B.S.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American

Lynell R. Williams
Director of Centers for Learning Excellence

B.A., Idaho State University
M.A., Idaho State University


Ghanbar A. Esmaeili
Dean- Math, Science, Information Technology and Bachelor Programs

B.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.Ed., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Sara M. Lozano
Dean for Business, Public Safety, and Technology

B.A., Yale University
M.A., Adams State College

Christopher A. Nelson
Dean for Liberal Arts

B.A., California State University at Sacramento
M.A., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

Eric L. Reittinger
Dean for Social and Behavioral Sciences

B.S., Utah State University
Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Margo A. Vargas-Ayala
Interim Dean for Nursing and Allied Health

A.A.S., University of Texas-Pan American
B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.N., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
D.N.P., American Sentinel University



Anay De Leon

B.B.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
MACC., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Claudia I. Mercado

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Acc., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., Northcentral University

Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Esmeralda Adame

Certificate, South Texas College
A.S., South Texas College
B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ed.D. Lamar University

Arthur F. Barber

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler

Alberto Farias

A.A.S., Texas State Technical College

Erika K. Guerra

A.S., South Texas College
B.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Jose E. Molina

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler

Mario A. Olivera

B.S., Universidad Regiomontana


Architectural & Engineering Design Technology

Jesus Amaya

A.A.S., Texas State Technical College-Harlingen
A.A.S., Austin Community College
B.E.S.S., Texas State University

Alejandro Gonzalez

B.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Javier Reyes

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
Certificate, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Certificate, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.Ed., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Laura Salas

A.A.S., Texas State Technical College
B.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Certificate, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Certificate, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.Ed., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Mario Serna

M.S., Texas A&M University - College Station
B.S., Texas A&M University - College Station

Omar Valdez

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Jose C. Vela

A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.Arch., Academy of Art University

Associate Degree Nursing

Daffodils Abraham

B.S.N., Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences-India
M.S.N., Grand Canyon University
D.N.P., Grand Canyon University

Mariano A. U. Acevedo

B.S., West Visayas State University-Philippines
M.A., Aklan State University-Philippines
Ph.D., Aklan State University-Philippines

Deepa G. Biju

B.S.N., Bangalore University-India
M.S.N., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
D.N.P., chamberlain University

Michael Capetillo

B.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

Melissa Chavez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Sharron Chee

M.S.N., Walden University

Raquel DeGuzman Esguerra

B.S.N., Angeles University Foundation-Philippines
M.A., Angeles University Foundation-Philippines
D.N.P., American Sentinel University

Elmer V. Esguerra

B.S.N., Angeles University Foundation-Philippines
M.A.N., Angeles University Foundation-Philippines
D.N.P., University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Victor Garza III

A.A.S., University of Texas-Pan American
B.S.N., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.N., University of Texas-Pan American

Angelica Gomez

A.A.S., South Texas College
A.S., South Texas College
B.S.N., University of Texas at Arlington
M.S.N., Walden University

Elizabeth Guzman

A.A.S., University of Texas-Pan American
B.S.N., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.N., University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston

Teena B. Jacob

B.S., Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
M.S., Grand Canyon University

Beena Johnson

B.S., Grand Canyon University
M.S., Grand Canyon University

Manju Joseph

M.S.N., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
D.N.P., Chamberlain University

Alex Britni Lozano

A.A., South Texas College
M.S., Grand Canyon University

Cynthia V. Martinez-Gonzalez

B.S.N., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S.N., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Mariver Muniz

B.S., Cebu Normal University - Philippines
M.N., Cebu Normal University - Philippines

Ntiense Otu

B.S.N., The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.S., The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
Ph.D., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Maria Pontejos

B.S., University of Cebu-Banilad - Philippines
M.A., Southwestern University - Philippines

Artemio V. Pontejos, Jr.

M.A., Southwestern University-Philippines
D.N.P.,Walden University

Cynthia Rios

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S.N., University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.S.N., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Ph.D., Chamberlain University

Sherly Romy

B.S.N., Grande Canyon University
M.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
D.N., Touro University Nevada

Sylvia R. Sandoval

B.S.N., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
M.S.N., University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Gloria B. Seno

B.S., Cebu Doctors College-Philippines
M.S., Cebu Doctors College-Philippines

Melinda Tellez

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington
M.S.N., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Jennifer Turvankar

M.S., Stony Brook University

Automotive Technology

Juan C. Alfaro

Certificate, Texas State Technical College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College
M.S., Our Lady of the Lake University

Johnny Bain

A.A.S., San Jacinto College District

Rogelio Camarillo

A.A.S., South Texas College

Juan P. Chapa

A.A.S., South Texas College

Raul De La Pena

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Roberto Hernandez

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Ruben R. Munoz

A.A.S., South Texas College

Matias Ochoa, Jr.

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

David Sanchez

A.A.S., South Texas College, B.A.S., South Texas College

Daniel R. Unruh

Certificate, Texas State Technical College- Harlingen
A.A.S., South Texas College

Mathew Vega

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College
Certificate, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M. Ed., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Richard Wade

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

 Bachelor's of Nursing

Jaime Deree Yang

B.S.N., Curry College
M.S.N., University of Texas at Brownsville
D.N.P., Capella University

Jessy V. Thomas

Certificate, Kera Nurses and Midwives Council-India
B.S., Bangalore University-India
M.S., Tamil Nadu Dr. Mgr. Medical University-India
D.N.P., Walden University

Annette Wingard

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
B.S.N., University of Texas at Arlington
D.N.P., Capella University


Jeffrey Aquino Gomez

B.S., Inter American University of Puerto Rico
M.A., Touro University Worldwide
M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Julio Benitez

A.S., South Texas College
B.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Jorge E. Cantu

B.S., Sam Houston State University
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Nadia N. Carreon

B.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Maria Y. Cervantes

B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Ph.D., Indiana University

Joana A. Cordoba

B.S., Florida International University
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Sandra Y. Espinoza

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Mario Estrada

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

JeanMarie Fors

B.S., University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Ph.D., University of Puerto Rico - Medical Sciences

Michael Foster

B.S., Columbus State University
Ph.D., University of South Carolina-Columbia

Courtney Galle

B.S., Texas A&M University - College Station
Ph.D., University of Iowa

Raul Galvan

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
B.A., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
M.F.A., Saint Mary's College of California

Xiomara Galvan

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Ruben R. Garces

M.S., Texas A&M University-College Station
Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station

Iraselia Garcia Olalde

A.S., South Texas College
B.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Adrian Gonzalez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Elizabeth Ann Gonzalez

B.S., The University of Texas Pan American
M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S., Texas Tech University

lliana Guardiola Avila

B.S., University of Sonora
M.S., Center of Research in Food and Development
Ph.D., Center of Research in Food and Development

Alan Herrera

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Kevin Kelly

B.S., Pennsylvania State University
M.Ed., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Jonathan H. Lieman

B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology
Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis

Mehrzad Mahmoudian Geller

B.S., Middle East Technical University-Turkey
M.S., Middle East Technical University-Turkey
Ph.D., Middle East Technical University-Turkey

Daryoush Mirzaei

B.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio

Jesus Munoz

B.S., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.S., University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio
Ph.D., University of Texas at San Antonio

Keith D. Murray

B.S., University of Texas-Dallas
M.S., University of Texas-Dallas
Ph.D., University of Texas-Dallas

Brandon Naumann

B.S., Texas A&M University - College Station
M.S., University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Thomas M. Ndolo

B.S., University of Nairobi
Ph.D., University of California-Davis

Ella Reyes

B.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Luci N. Simpson

B.S., University of North Texas
M.S., University of North Texas

Edwin Tamayo

B.A., Northern Christian College-Philippines
M.S., Adventist University of The Philippines
Ph.D., University of The Philippines System-Philippines

Urbain Tchoua

B.S., Universite de Bourgogne-France
M.S., Universite Henri Poincare-France
Ph.D., Osaka University-Japan

Mahmoud L. Vatankha

B.S., University of Texas-San Antonio
M.S., University of Texas-San Antonio
D.C., Texas Chiropractic College

Danielle Villarreal

B.S., The University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed. The University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D.., Our Lady of the Lake University

Md Zaman

M.S., Texas Woman's University
M.S.Ed., Texas Woman's University
Ph.D., Texas Woman's University

Ruben D. Zamora

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Business Administration

Bradley S. Altemeyer

B.B.A., Texas Tech University
M.B.A., Stephen F. Austin State University
M.S., Texas A&M University

Joe Cruz

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Miguel A. Garcia

B.B.A., University of Texas-Austin
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Marcela Gonzalez

B., Instituto Tecnologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey - Mexico
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Reynaldo Jasso

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.ACC., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Ph.D., Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio

Rosemond A Moore

B.S., Purdue University
M.B.A., Indiana University
Ph.D., University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley

Juan O. Resendez

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Cynthia G. Sanchez

B.B.A., University of Houston
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Griselda Solis

A.A., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
B.B.A., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
J.D., St. Mary’s University

Ana M. Valladarez

B.B.A., Texas State University
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Acc., University of Texas-Pan American


Ludivina Avila

B.S., St. Edward’s University
M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Ph.D., Oklahoma State University

Reginald C. Gonzales

M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
M.D., University of Manila-Philippines

Karlos X. Moreno

B.S., University of Texas-San Antonio
Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station

Oscar Rodriguez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Khalid B. Salmani

M.S., Fairleigh Dickinson University
Ph.D., Drexel University

Richard Sniatynsky

B.S., Illinois State University
M.S., Illinois State University
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Maria I. Villarreal

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Child Development and Early Childhood

Ana Yesenia Castillo

A.A.A.T., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College, B.A.A.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.Ed., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Bianca Diaz

A.A.S., The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
A.A., The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
B.A.A.S., The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.Ed., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Maria RM Garza

B.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M. Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University

Helen Meave

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.A., Texas A&M University Kingsville
M.Ed., The University of Texas-Pan American

Veronica Rodriguez

B.S., Texas Woman’s University
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

College Success


Rosalinda Cantu

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Jason J. Chapa

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., Texas State University

Irma Garcia

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Michelle I. Mendoza

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Certificate, University of Texas-Pan American

Elizabeth Ortega-Hilpert

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Michael J. Scales

B.A., Indiana University
M.A., Indiana University

Computer and Advanced Technologies

George A. Garcia

Certificate of Completion, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.A.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Gustavo Garza-Cavazos

A.A., South Texas College
A.A.S., Texas State Technical College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.Ed., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Eliazar Ramirez

A.A S., Texas State Technical College

Computer and Information Technologies (Baccalaureate Program)

Saeed Molki

B.S., Nebraska Wesleyan University
M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Joseph M. Perez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Computer Science

Rosalba De Zenea

A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A.S, South Texas College
B.A.A.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., Tarleton State University

Nicolas H. Gutierrez

B.S.C.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Nicholas Hinojosa

A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.S.I.T., University of Texas-Pan American

Robert S. Ho

B.B.A., University of Texas at El Paso
M.B.A., New Mexico State University, M.S., Texas A&M International University

Yinping Jiao

M.S., Texas Tech University
M.S., Texas Tech University

Saeed Molki

B.S., Nebraska Wesleyan University
M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Joseph M. Perez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Samuel Reza

A.A., Laredo Community College
A.A.S., Laredo Community College
B.B.A., Texas A&M International University
M.S., Texas A&M International University

Hector Trevino

Certificate, South Texas College
B.S., Colorado Technical University
M.Ed., Lamar University

Gabriel A. Viera

A.A., Laredo Community College
B.B.A., University of the Incarnate Word
M.S., Texas A&M International University

Menghung Wu

B.S., National Central University-Taiwan
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., University of Houston

Isauro Zaragoza

Certificate., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Carla Balleza

Minela Jaime

A.A., South Texas College

Criminal Justice

James Blair

A.A.S., Central Texas College
A.A., Central Texas College
B.S., Tarleton State University
M.C.J., Tarleton State University

Rogelio Escaname

B.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American

Jorge Fuentes

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American

Oscar Garza

B.S.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American

Richard C. Huber

Certificate, Mount Royal College
B.S., University of Great Falls
M.S., University of Great Falls

Marc F. Hughes

B.S.C.J., Sam Houston State University
M.A., Sam Houston State University

Vanessa J. Salinas

B.S.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American

Homar Venecia

A.A., South Texas College
B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American

Culinary Arts

Angelica M. Barrera

Certificate, South Texas College
Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College

Fernanda Leal

A.O.S., Culinary Institute of America
B.P.S., Culinary Institute of America
M.P.S., Culinary Institute of America

Ruben Lemus

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College

Joanna M. Martinez

A.A.S., South Texas College

Lyzette Turrubiates Alanis

A.A.S., Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts-Austin


Jose Zamora

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Developmental English

Angelica P. Cerda

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Laura Y. De La Viña

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Jose J. Gonzalez

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., Catholic University America

Esmeralda R. Macias

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph. D., Our Lady of the Lake University

Maria R. Tello

B.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Developmental Reading

Anna B. Alaniz

B.I.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
Ed.D., Texas A&M University

Romaldo G. Dominguez

B.S., University of Maryland
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Tammi J. Naumann

B.A., Concordia College
B.A., Concordia College
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Florinda Rodriguez

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Mark Gonzalez

M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
B.A.T., South Texas College
A.A.S., Laredo College
A.A.S., The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Nora Pena

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Diesel Technology

Ricardo Garcia Mora

A.A.S., South Texas College

Ruben R. Pompa

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Nicholas Sewell

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College
M.A., University of Phoenix


Marcela Garza

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Joel J. Rodriguez

B.A., University of St. Thomas
M.R.E., University of St. Thomas
M.F.A., University of Texas-Austin


Minerva Aguilera

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.N., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
Ph.D., University of Texas at Tyler

Ruby C. Campuzano

B.B.A.,University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Lyudmyla V. Dickinson

B.S., Chernivtsi State University-Ukraine
M.S., Chernivtsi State University-Ukraine

Salvador A. Martinez

B.S., Weber State University
Ph.D., University of Florida

Jose Olivares-Alarcon

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of New Mexico

Kevin M. Peek

B.A., University of Nevada-Reno
M.S., University of Nevada-Reno
Ph.D., University of Nevada-Reno

Teo E. Sepulveda

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., Georgia Southern University

Bimal Soti

M.A., Central Michigan University
Ph.D., Florida International University

Jing Zhu

B.I.T., Nankai University-China
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American


Lydia L. Bean

B.A., Indiana University
M.A.G., Texas State University
Ph.D., Texas State University

Jorge L. Botello

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Andrea B. Clark

B.S., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
M.S., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Liza E. Gonzalez

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of North Texas
Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Sandra Ledesma

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., Capella University
Ph.D., Capella University

Lilliana Moreno

B.A., The University of Texas at San Antonio
M.Ed., Sam Houston State University
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Arlington

Juan R. Ramirez

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Ana M. Riojas

A.A., South Texas Community College
B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
M.L.S., Texas Woman's University

Ricardo C. Rodriguez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed.,Texas A&I University-Kingsville

Electrician Technology

Christina A. Aguilar

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Daniel Sanchez

Certificate, South Texas College
Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Samuel Solis

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College

Emergency Medical Services

Joseph A. Archer

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Janelle S. Billings

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S.C.J., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas South College

Henry Cortez

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S., Schreiner University

Edgar Flores

A.A.S., South Texas College

Miriam Garza

Certificate, South Texas College
Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College

Leonel Lopez

Certificate, South Texas College
Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College

Steven D. Miller

A.A.S., South Texas College

Carlos E. Tello

A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A., South Texas College
B.A.A.S., Texas A&M University - Commerce


Eduardo Benavides

B.S., Texas A&I University - Kingsville
B.S., University of Texas-Arlington
M.S., University of Texas-Arlington

Rommel Garza

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.E., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Martin W. Knecht

A.E.S., Lincoln Land Community College
B.S., University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
M.S.E., University of Texas-Pan American


Liana Andreasen

M.A. Salisbury University
Ph.D., State University of New York-Binghamton

Robin P. Andreasen

B.A., State University of New York-Binghamton
M.A., State University of New York-Binghamton

Robin A. Bell

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Colleen C. Brooks

B.A., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
M.A., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Dana Cantu

B.A., Western Illinois University
M.A., Western Illinois University
Ed.D., Arkansas State University

Isaac Chavarria

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Richard Coronado

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Kimberlee M. Etherington

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Thomas J. Fuschetto

B.A., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
M.A., Southwest Texas State University
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Mayra P. Garcia

B.A., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
M.A., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Patrick A. Garcia

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Erika M. Garza

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Joseph D. Haske

B.A., Lake Superior State University
M.A., Bowling Green State University
M.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Carissa R. Hayden

A.A., Lake Land College
B.A., Eastern Illinois University
M.A., Eastern Illinois University

Silvia E. Herrera

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Jennifer A. Knecht

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Jose R. Martinez Jr.

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Daniel M. Mendoza

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Houston-Victoria
M.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Rebecca O. Millan

A.A., South Texas College
B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., Louisiana State University at Shreveport
Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Stephen D. Morrison

B.A., University of Arizona
M.F.A., University of Arizona
Ph.D., Texas Tech University

David R. Moyle

B.A., Kent State University
M.A., Kent State University

Elizabeth Munoz

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Husney F. Naqvi

Certificate, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.F.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
B.B.A., The University of Texas at Austin
A.A., South Texas College

David A. Oakes

B.A., Texas A&M University
M.A., Lehigh University
Ph.D., Texas Christian University

Juan Ochoa

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Christopher T. Richardson

B.A., Webster University
M.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis
M.Ed., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Johanna Rios

A.A., South Texas College
B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., Lamar University

Gerry Rodriguez

A.A.M, South Texas College
A.A.E, South Texas College
A.A.D., South Texas College
B.A.T., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.F.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.C. Certificate., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Jessica S. Schnee

B.A., Randolph-Macon Woman’s College
M.A., University of Chicago

Marisa R. Taylor

B.A., University of North Carolina-Greensboro
M.F.A., University of Montana

Joel West

B.A., University of Texas Pan American
Certificate, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Fine Arts

Rachael E. Brown

B.A., Indiana University
M.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Luis A. Corpus

B.F.A., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
M.A., Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi

Eduardo J. Garcia

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
B.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.F.A., University of North Texas

Leila Hernandez

M.F.A., University of Florida

Christopher P. Leonard

B.F.A., University of Northern Iowa
M.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Carlos Limas

M.F.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Thomas L. Matthews

B.S., Belmont College
M.F.A., Texas Tech University

Heaven A. Mendoza

B.F.A., The Art Institute of Houston
M.F.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Scott L. Nicol

B.A., Austin College
M.F.A., University of Texas-San Antonio

Pedro J. Perez Suarez

B.A., Iowa State University
B.S., Iowa State University
M.A., Iowa State University

Richard L. Smith

B.F.A., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
M.F.A., Texas Christian University

Melissa Terry

M.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
B.A., Minnesota State University

Fire Science

Victor Fonseca

Certificate, Texas State Technical College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Health and Medical Administrative Services

Sharon Hoyuela

Certificate, South Texas College
Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College;

Norma Longoria

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., Texas A&M University

Rose E. Solis

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S., University of Cincinnati
M.S., University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Health Care Student Success

Antonio Santiago Nunez

A.S., Universidad De Puerto Rico En Aguadilia-Puerto Rico
D.M, Universidad Del Noreste-Mexico

Sonya J. Sinsebox

B.S., Keuka College
M.Ed., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology

Victor Casas

Certificate, South Texas College
Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Eliseo Garza Hernandez

Certificate, South Texas College
Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Jose Jasso

A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A.T., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.Ed., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Jorge S. Martinez

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College

Esteban Quintero

A.A.S., South Texas College

Guadalupe V. Sanchez

A.A.S., Texas State Technical College


Benjamin M. Allen

B.A., Louisiana State University-Shreveport
M.A., Louisiana Tech University
Ph.D., University of Texas-Arlington

James B. Barrera

B.A., Texas A&M University
M.A., University of Texas-El Paso
Ph.D., University of New Mexico

Martha Cantu

B.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.A., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Christopher R. Davis

B.A., Oklahoma Baptist University
M.A., University of Oklahoma
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

Rainlilly Elizondo

B.A., Texas A&M University-College Station
M.A., Texas Tech University
Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station

Laura M. Gomez

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Victor Gomez

A.A., South Texas College
B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Trinidad O. Gonzales

Certificate, University of Houston
B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., University of Houston

Robert Sean Kennedy

B.A., California State University-Chico
M.A., California State University-Chico

Annie P. Liss

B.S., Vanderbilt University
M.A., University of Iowa
Ph.D., University of Iowa

Jaclyn J. Miller

M.A., University of Kansas
Ph.D., University of Kansas

Robert Miller

Ph.D., University of Kansas
M.A., University of Kansas
B.A., Eastern Kentucky University
B.A., Eastern Kentucky University

Rene Rios

B.A., The University of Texas Pan American., M.A., The University of Texas Pan American

Joel B. Rodriguez

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Juan Rodriguez

B.A., Texas State University
M.Ed., Texas State University

Jodi L. Sabin

A.A., Riverland Community College
B.S., University of Wisconsin-River Falls
M.A., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

John R. Terry

B.A., St. Cloud State University
M.A., St. Cloud State University

Nathaniel Weber

B.A., Westminster College
M.A., Texas A&M University - College Station
Ph.D., Texas A&M University - College Station

Human Resources

Sandra Charles-Garza

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College
M.H.R.S., Colorado State University-Global Campus

Ricardo R. Olivares

A.S., Vincennes University
B.A., Columbia College
M.A., University of the Incarnate Word
M.S., Troy University

Information Technology

Angelita Elizondo Teniente

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Meliton Hinojosa

A., Prince George's Community College
A.S., Community College of the Air Force
B.A.A.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.S., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Gabriela E. Pena

B.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Patricia Pomares

B.A.A.S., Texas A&M International University
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Maby A. Rosenbaum

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Francisco Salinas

A.A.S., South Texas College
A.A., South Texas College
B.A.A.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.I.T., University of Texas-Pan American

Norma L. Zaragoza

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American


Brent J. Angangan

A.A., Reedley College
B.S., California State University-Fresno
M.S., Lamar University
M.A., California State University-Fresno

Brenda L. Ayala

B.S.W., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Roberto Martinez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Rodrigo Martinez

B.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Jennifer M. Pena Garcia

B.A., The University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Janice Ponce

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., California University of Pennsylvania

Law Enforcement 

Jennifer Rosillo

A.A., University of Phoenix
B.S., University of Phoenix
M.S., University of Phoenix

Victor Valdez

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College


Terutake Abe

M.A., State University of New York-Buffalo
M.A., John Hopkins University
Ph.D., John Hopkins University

Hanan T. Amro

B.A., Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
M.S., Kansas State University
Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Enrique Arredondo

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Jonathan W. Bell

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Sunmi Yoo Brown

B.Ed., Korea National University of Education
M.S., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Pablo Cortez

B.S., St. Edward’s University
M.S., Texas A&M University

Veronica E. Dominguez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Elizandro Flores

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Javier Garcia

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

Maria Del Carmen M. Garcia

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American

John G. Garcia

A.S., South Texas College
B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Juan C. Gaytan

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Richard G. Getso

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Rosa E. Gutierrez

A.S., South Texas College
B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Mehran Hassanpour

B.S., Jackson State University
M.A., Mississippi State University
Ph.D., University of North Texas

Juan J. Ibarra

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan America

Huaien Li

B.S., Sichuan Union University-China
Ph.D., Sichuan Union University-China

Armando A. Lopez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Juan Luna

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Todd P. Meisel

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Daniel A. Montez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Mario J. Morin

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Christopher J. Neely

B.S., University of Texas-Austin
M.A., University of Texas-Austin

Pedro A. Paz

B.S., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.S., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.Ed., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Fidel O. Rodriguez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Marco A. Ruvalcaba Rodriguez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Nayef M. Shaath

B.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Matea Vasquez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Wei Yin

B.S., Huazhong Normal University
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Medical Assistant Technology

Melissa Mata

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Abigail A. Rodriguez

Ed.D.,American College of Education
M.Mgt., National American University
B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
B.S., University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston

Medical & Health Services Management (Baccalaureate Program)

Hilaire Saint Pierre

B.A., Cambridge College
M.B.A., University of Phoenix
Ph.D., Walden University


William W. Buhidar

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.M., University of Texas-Pan American

Daniel P. Cather

B.M., Eastern Illinois University
M.A., Eastern Illinois University
D.M.E., Liberty University

Jospeh A. Diehl

B.M., Bowling Green State University
M.M., Ball State University
M. Indiana University
D.A., Ball State University

Lindsey Gamble

B.M., Indiana University at Bloomington
M.M., Indiana University at Bloomington
D.M.A., Rutgers, The State of University of New Jersey

Jaime A. Garcia

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.M., University of Texas-Pan American

Sharon O'Leary

B.S.E., Missouri Western State College
M.M., University of Missouri-Columbia

Ronald F. Schermerhorn

B.M., University of Texas-Arlington
M.M., University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Melissa Vaughan

D.M.A., Arizona State University
M.M., University of Rochester
B.M.Ed., Baylor University

Hsuan Wei Weng Lin

M.M., DePaul University
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Celina Casas

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American
D.O.T., Rocky Mountain University

Lizett M. Guevara

B.A., The University of Texas at San Antonio
M.O.T., University of Texas at El Paso
O.T.D., Rocky Mountain University

Layman D. Miller

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., Western Governors University

Office Administration

Socorro Bourbois

A.A.S., Texas State Technical College
B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Andres A. Garza

B.I.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Ernesto O. Pena

A.A., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College

Organizational Leadership (Baccalaureate Program)

Ruben G. Flores

B.C.J., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
M.P.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., Our Lady of The Lake University

Jennifer J. Guerra

A.O.S., Culinary Institute of America
B.A.S., South Texas College
M.A., George Washington University
Ed.D., Baylor University

Scott Sparrow

B.A.P., Salisbury University
M.A.P., Duquesne University
Ph.d., Southern Illinois University Carbondale


Roland Miller

B.A., The University of Texas at Austin
Ph.D., Texas Southern University

Eduardo Pastor

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
J.D., Thomas M. Colley Law School

Patient Care Technician

Edgar A. Guerrero Guajardo

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Magdalena Handy

A.A.S., South Texas College

James Hollifield

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A., Appalachian State University
B.S.B.A., Appalachian State University
B.S.B.A., Appalachian State University
B.S., University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Jocelyn Hollifield

B.S.N., Saint Louis University - Philippines
J.D., Baguio College Foundation - Philipines

Jimmy Justin

A.S., Southwestern Adventist University
B.B.A., Southwestern Adventist University
M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley;

Sharon M. Rice

Certificate, Trot School of Nursing
A.A.S., South Texas College

Felisa A. Saenz

A.S., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S., University of Texas at Arlington

Gabriel Vallejo

B.S.N., University of Texas Brownsville and Texas and Southmost College
M.S.N., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Pharmacy Technology

Theresa L. Garza

B.S., Auburn University
Pharm.D., Auburn University

Roger Rodriguez

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
Certificate, University of Florida
M.S., University of Florida

Crystal Zuniga

A.A.S., South Texas College
A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Micah Bailey

B.G.S., University of Kansas
M.A., University of Kansas
Ph.D., University of Kansas

Lee A. Basham

B.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
M.A., University of Oklahoma
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

Debby D. Hutchins

B.A., Sam Houston State University
Ph.D., Boston College

Brittany Leckey

B.A., Drury University
M.A., Duquesne University
M.A., Texas A&M University-College Station
Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station

Jeffrey T. McBride

B.A., Oklahoma State University
M.A., University of Oklahoma

Andres Molina Ochoa

M.A., Binghamton University
Ph.D., Binghamton University

Aaron B. Wilson

B.A., Boston University
M.A., University of Miami
Ph.D., University of Miami

Jeffrey Zents

B.A., University of Texas-Dallas
M.A., Washington University-St. Louis
Ph.D., University of St. Thomas

Physical Science

Jose L. Cortez

B.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Carl D. Doney

B.S. University of Louisiana-Monroe
M.S., University of Louisiana-Monroe

Mahmoud A. Gassem

B.S.E., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
M.A., University of Mississippi

Jeremy Hinck

A.S., Dutchess Community College
B.S., University of Albany-SUNY
M.S., University of Albany-SUNY

Prabhat C. Neupane

M.S., University of New Orleans
Ph.D., University of New Orleans

Physical Therapist Assistant

Karina Chavarria

A.A.A.S., South Texas College

Diana E. Hernandez

B.S., Texas Woman’s University
M.Ed., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Sharlene Polvado

A.A.S., South Texas College

Sayda E. Ruelas

B.S., The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
M.P.T., The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston


Pramod Lamichhane

B.S., Tribhuvan University - Kathmandu, Nepal
M.S. Tribhuvan University - Kathmandu, Nepal
M.S., Wayne State University
Ph.D., Wayne State University

Louis Lee

B.S., California State Polytechnic University
M.S., California State University-Long Beach
Ed.D, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Mario A. Lopez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Washington

Ravindra C. Nandigam

Ph.D., University of Texas-El Paso

Saiyid F. Wahid

B.S., Northeastern University
M.S., Northeastern University
Ph.D., Northeastern University

Wendi J.W. Williams

B.S., University of Texas at Arlington
M.S., University of California-Riverside
Ph.D., University of Texas at El Paso

Guanghua Xu

B.S., Zhongshan University-China
M.S., University of California-Riverside
Ph.D., University of California-Riverside

Political Science

Jose A. Bocanegra

A.A., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
A.A., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
A.A.S., University of Texas at Brownsville
B.A. University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
B.S., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.A., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

James Boesen

B.A., Beloit College
M.A., Northern Illinois University
Ph.D., Northern Illinois University

Richard N. Buchli

B.A., Illinois State University
M.B.A., Dominican University
M.S., Illinois State University
Ed.D., Lindenwood University

Alexander M. Burton

B.A., State University of New York-New Paltz
M.A., City University of New York-Graduate Center

Fred K. Cady

B.A., University of Texas-El Paso
M.A., University of Texas-Austin
M.P.A., University of Texas-El Paso

Steven Camron

B.A., Angelo State University
M.A., Texas Tech University
M.A., Texas Tech University

Jennifer B. Clark

B.A., University of Sheffield
M.A., Southwest Texas State University

Adan Contreras

B.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Mark A. Gadson

B.S., Northern Michigan University
M.P.A., Northern Michigan University

Ariel Gonzalez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., Texas A&M International University
M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Darrold T. Guinn

B.J., University of Texas-Austin
M.B.A., Texas A&M International University
M.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Yolanda G. Hake

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.C.R.P., Harvard University - John F Kennedy School of Government

Samia Harb

M.A., Florida International University
Ph.D., Florida International University

Kevin T. Holton

B.A., University of Texas-Austin
M.A., Baylor University
Ph.D., Baylor University

Jerry J. Inmon

B.A., Sam Houston State University
M.A., Sam Houston State University

Carlyn Jorgensen

B.A., Western Illinois University
M.S., Suffolk University
Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University

Jeff W. Justice

B.A., Midwestern State University
M.A., Midwestern State University
Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Christopher R. Marshall

B.S., University of Utah
M.A., Western Illinois University
J.D., Brigham Young University

Larry B. McElvain

B.A., University of Colorado
M.A., University of New Mexico

Mark R. Murray

A.A., Saddleback College
B.A., California State University-Fullerton
M.A., San Diego State University

Kirk M. Neckel

B.B.A., Sam Houston State University
M.A., Sam Houston State University

Ayodeji O. Ogundele

B.A., Concordia University
M.A., University of North Texas
Ph.D., University of North Texas

Darrial Reynolds

B.A., New Mexico Highlands University
B.A., Idaho State University
M.H.E., Idaho State University
D.A., Idaho State University

Pooja Rishi

M.A., University of Delaware
Ph.D., University of Delaware

Mark A. Schuler

B.A., University of Missouri-Columbia
B.A., University of Missouri-Columbia
M.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis
Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis

Bryan H. Smith

B.A., University of Alberta-Canada
M.A., Fordham University
Ph.D., Fordham University

Psychological Science

Blake H. Armstrong

A.A., San Jacinto Community College District
B.S., University of Houston-Clear Lake
M.A., New School for Social Research
Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology

Pedro Cantu

B.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Yvonne M. Chapa

B.I.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., Walden University

Carlo Gonzalez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., New Mexico State University

Paul L. Gonzalez

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center-Dallas

Sandra Moreno

B.A., Texas A&M University - Kingsville
M.S., Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Ph.D., Our Lady of the Lake University

Francisco Ortiz

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Jennifer D. Reid

B.S., Texas A&M University-College Station
M.A., University of Houston - Clear Lake
M.A., Rutgers State University of New Jersey
Ph.D., Rutgers State University of New Jersey

Orlando Rodriguez

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., Walden University

Jose A. Sanchez

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station

Alexandro Sarabia

A.A., South Texas College
B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Wilfrido E. Sarabia

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Liza Veliz

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Timothy R. Weber

A.A., Concordia Lutheran College-Ann Arbor
B.A., Concordia University-River Forest
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Public Administration

Diana Lucio

B.A., University of Texas-Arlington
M.P.A., Baruch College

Radiologic Technology

Cristina A. Alvarez

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.S., South Texas College

Crystal Bird

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S., Midwestern State University
M.A.Ed., Trident University International

Alisa Lopez

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Odette Lozano

A.A.S., South Texas College

Respiratory Therapy

Betty Chong Menard

A.A.S., University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
A.A.S., University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
B.A.T., University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.Ed., University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Luzolo Dienda

B.D., Universite Kongo
M.S., University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Gabriel Pena

A.A.S., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
B.A.T., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Anita Respondek

B.S., Texas State University
M.S.R.C., Texas State University

Social Work

Noel A. Ysasi

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American


Jenny L. Chamberlain

B.A., Brigham Young University
M.S., Brigham Young University

Marcie De La Cruz

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S., University of Texas-Pan American

Sylvia L. Flores

A.A., South Texas College
B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., Texas A&M International University
Ph.D., Northcentral University

Nihan Kayaardi Hinojosa

M.S., The University of Texas-Pan American
Ph.D., Texas Women's University American

Rolando R. Longoria

B.A., Standford University
M.A., University of California Santa Barbara
Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara

Royal C. Loresco

B.A., California State University-Long Beach
M.A., California State University-Fullerton
Ph. D., Capella University

Holly B. Pottle

B.A., George Mason University
B.A., University of Nevada - Las Vegas
M.A., University of Arkansas
Certificate, Texas Woman's University
Ph.D., Texas Woman's University

Surveying and Geospatial Technology

Manuel Carrizales

B.S.M.E., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Technology Management (Baccalaureate Program)

Laura E. Garcia

B.B.A., Texas A&M International University
M.B.A., Texas A&M International University
M.P.Acy., Texas A&M International University

Vocational Nursing

Maria Briones

B.S.N., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S.N., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Sylvia I. Contreras

A.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
B.S.N., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S.N., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Karen S. Countryman

A.A., Washington Community and Technical College
B.S.N., University of Phoenix
M.S.N., University of Phoenix

Maynard Espera

B.S.N., University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley

Edna M. Garcia

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S.N., Grand Canyon University

Georgina E. Garza

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., Lamar State College
A.A.S., Big Ben Community College
B.S.N., Grand Canyon University

Cynthia Garza

A.A.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
B.S.N., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
M.S., Chamberlain University

Geronimo Gracia

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S., Western Governors University

Blanca Herrera

B.S.N., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Rebecca J. Miller

A.A.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.S.N., Walden University

Adriana Muro

A.A.S., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Jessica Neely

B.S.N., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
B.S., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Patricia Ochoa

A.S., Southern Adventist University

Michelle Pruneda

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S.N., University of Texas at Arlington

Eloisa Reyna

Certificate, Laredo Community College
A.A., Laredo Community College
A.A.S., Laredo Community College
B.S.N., Texas A&M International University
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

Cynthia Salinas

A.A.S., University of Texas-Pan American
B.S.N., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
M.S.N., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Aracely Salinas

A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S.N., South Texas College
M.S.N., Texas A&M International University

Judith C. Sevilla De La Cruz

B.S., University of San Carlos-Philippines
B.S., Quezon City Medical Center and Colleges
M.S.N., University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Erin Soliz

B.S.N., Chamberlain University

Alexia Trigo

B.S.N., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Joel Vargas

A.A.S, South Texas College
B.S.N., Grand Canyon University


Amando Barrera

Certificate., South Texas College
Certificate., South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Hector H. Cavazos

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College
B.S.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Daniel I. Cortez

Certificate, South Texas College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Cristobal Cuello

Certificate., Texas State Technical College
A.A.S., South Texas College

Richard G. Ingram

Certificate, Texas State Technical College
A.A.S., Texas State Technical College

Victor Montalvo

Certificate, Texas State Technical College
A.A.S., Texas State Technical College

World Languages

Emmanuel X. Belena

M.A., Texas Tech University
Ph.D., Florida State University

Jovonne A. Delgado

Certificate, San Antonio College Medical and Dental Assistants
A.A., South Texas College
B.A.T., South Texas College
M.Ed., Texas A&M University
Ph.D., Our Lady of the Lake University

Mario Espinoza

B.B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Melissa R. Ibanez

B.A., Gallaudet University
M.A., Gallaudet University

Delia Magdaleno

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Rosario G. Matulewicz

B.B.A., University of Texas-San Antonio
M.A., University of Texas-San Antonio

Juan A. Silva

B.A., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American

Hector Villarreal

B.S., University of Texas-Pan American
M.A., University of Texas-Pan American