Placement Scale

Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Exemption Scores

STAAR EOC ACT - Administered
February 15,2023
ACT - Administered
February 15,2023
SAT - Administered
March 5, 2016
English III, Level II - 4000 English - 19 English/Reading - 40* EBRW - 480 ELAR - 165 Reading - 15
Composite - 23 Writing - 15 & 4
Math (Algebra II, Level II) - 4000 Math - 19 Math - 22 Math - 530 Math - 165 Math - 15

*Score is a combination of both English and Reading 

Exemption is valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of testing. Students with previous valid exemptions may still be exempt, For more information please contact the Advising Center (956) 872-8372 or the Student Assessment Center (956) 872-3484 for more information. 

Mixing or combining scores from the SAT administered prior to March 2016 and the SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016 is not allowable.

College Bridge Courses in Math and English Language Arts

English Language Arts (CP110100) Pass course and end-of-course assessment with a 90 or higher.
Mathematics (CP111200) Pass course and end-of-course assessment with a 90 or higher.

College Preparatory Courses in Math and English Language Arts

English Language Arts (CP110100) Pass course and end-of-course assessment with a 70 or higher.
Mathematics (CP111200) Pass course and end-of-course assessment with a 70 or higher.

College Preparatory and College Bridge Course Exemptions are valid for one (1) year from the date of High School graduation. If the student attempts in the Math and/or English Language Arts area during their first year of college, the exemption is extended for a total period of 24 months.

Exemptions are also granted to students who have graduated with an associate or baccalaureate degree or transfer to STC from a private or independent college or an accredited out of state college and have satisfactorily completed college-level coursework as determined by STC.

Academic and Developmental Placement Scores

English Language Arts

TSIA2 Course Placement
CRC1 945-990/Essay 5-8 OR CRC 910-944/DL 5-6/Essay 5-8 College Ready
CRC 945-990/Essay 0-4 OR CRC 910-944/DL4/Essay 4-8 OR CRC 910-944/DL5-6/Essay 0-4 INRW 0030 (+ ENGL 1301 OR HIST 1301 OR HIST 2327 OR GOVT 2305)
CRC 910-944/DL 1-4 INRW 0020 OR (ESOL 0051 & ESOL 0052)


TSIA2 Course Placement
CRC 950+ OR CRC 910-949/DL 6 College Ready
CRC 935-949 OR CRC 910-934/DL 52
MATH 1414 (+ MATL 0014) OR MATH 1324 (+ MATL 0024)
MATH 1342 (+ MATL 0042) OR MATH 1332 (+ MATL 0032)
CRC 910-934/DL 42
MATH 1414 (+ MATL 0034) OR MATH 1324 (+ MATL 0024)
MATH 1342 (+ MATL 0042) OR MATH 1332 (+ MATL 0032)
CRC 910-934/DL 1-3
MATH 0100
MATH 04423

CRC stands for college ready classification.


Students scoring in CRC 910-934 and DL 4/5 will be advised, based on their major, for placement in an algebraic or non-algebraic corequisite pairing.


For Non-STEM degree plans/pathways or for degree plans that require TSI Complete status but do not require a college-level math course.

Other Testing Services

South Texas College also offers a wide variety of testing services such as the TSI, HESI, ACT, GED and Pearson Vue Exams. For a complete list of testing services or for more information, please visit the Student Assessment Center website at or by phone at 956-872-3484.